Duration: (1:57) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-08T20:55:43+00:00
荔枝花穗剛開時,每株施壯花肥:有機肥10-15kg和復合肥1kg lychee flower bloom, apply strong flower fertilizer to each plant
妃子笑荔枝打藥控花穗後,施複合肥+有機肥10kg/株 Feizixiao fertilizes after applying medicine to control flowers and ears
荔枝雌花謝花後保果,每株樹施氯化鉀1kg+複合肥1kg+有機肥10kg Litchi's Female Flowers Preserve Fruits After Flowering
荔枝花穗太長了,補營養施有機肥,控花穗打乙烯利2-4ml和多效唑18-20g Lychee flower spikes are too long, control the flower spikes
荔枝妃子笑第1梢老熟後,促第2批梢可施複合肥1kg/株,使其粗壯深綠After the 1st tip of lychee toffee is mature,the 2nd batch of tips
Homemade Super Organic Fertilizer
香蕉皮做有機鉀肥 (2)強強聯合,鉀鈣磷鎂鋅齊全,超級營養的自制肥料 easy banana fertilizer for any plant
自制最强有机液体磷钾肥, 花多果肥, 省下买肥钱 Homemade liquid fertilizers
别再加白醋了!正确使用鸡蛋壳肥,蛋壳肥的5大制作方法 5 ways to turn eggshells into fertilizer
木炭8大妙用, 比草木灰還好, 產量翻倍的秘密, 種菜種花少不了
【种植36】 自制有机肥/堆肥,这4种常用厨余是绝配,不花钱变废为宝,简单高效,肥效全 | 咖啡渣,香蕉皮,鸡蛋壳,虾壳 DIY organic fertiliser, easy n rich
【种植79】4种万能的基肥 ,让蔬果的生长赢在起跑线上 4 kinds of base fertilisers for home gardening
荔枝施肥,促12月底開花,大家記得安排有機肥 Fertilize lychees to promote flowering at the end of December
2022好市多( costco)的花肥 - 和新手分享几个小知识 - fertilizer
荔枝施有機肥15斤+5斤漚制的花生麩,並打病蟲害藥,防治蒂蛀蟲 Litchi with 15 kg of organic fertilizer + 5 kg of peanut bran
种菜种花都可以用这个三元复合肥,简单实用! #复合肥 #三元复合肥 #园艺肥料 #花肥 #种菜肥料
冰荔荔枝開花了,肉質爽嫩脆滑,果皮鮮豔紅,賣相好,口感好 Bing lychee is in bloom, the flesh is tender and crisp
荔枝妃子笑第1梢30天就老熟了,可施複合肥1kg,促枝條粗壯Litchi Feizixiao 1st tip will be ripe in 30 days,apply 1kg of compound
荔枝花穗抽出5-10cm時,及時打藥控花穗,使其短、壯When the lychee flower spikes are 5-10cm out, control the flower spikes
荔枝黃豆大小時施保果肥,磷鉀肥+複合肥,肥料各2斤 When the size of lychees and soybeans, apply fruit fertilizers
米水天然肥料沒想到花長那麼好 | 自製肥料 | 最佳有機肥【Vinson Garden 講花經】
荔枝妃子笑开花了,露白点了,及时补充营养,施磷钾肥 The litchi concubine smiled and blossomed, and the dew was white