Duration: (2:33) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-09T07:20:28+00:00
冰荔荔枝開花了,肉質爽嫩脆滑,果皮鮮豔紅,賣相好,口感好 Bing lychee is in bloom, the flesh is tender and crisp
荔枝新品種“冰荔”嫩滑好吃,口感好,座果率高,賣相鮮豔好看,價格388元/斤Litchi new species ice litchi tender and delicious,good taste
荔枝新品種:冰荔產量低,但品質好,顏色鮮豔好看,口感爽滑嫩脆,因此價格高 New lychee variety: Bingli , smooth and crispy in taste
388元一斤的冰荔荔枝你吃過嗎?也就是5美元一粒荔枝,這個品種嫩滑爽脆,肉質鬆軟好吃,甜度適宜Ice Lychee $5 per lychee,Tender, crispy and delicious
荔枝冰荔嫩滑好吃,口感好,外觀鮮豔好看,送禮好品種 Lychee ice lychee tender and delicious, good taste, bright and appearance
120美元1kg的冰荔,荔枝中晚熟品種,口感好,軟糯嫩滑,焦核率高,豐產穩產 120 US dollars 1kg ice lychee, good taste, soft and tender
冰荔荔枝果肉嫩滑清甜,鬆軟口感極好,與桂味對比,各有各的好,桂味肉質脆甜,兩者都吃 Ice lychee lychee flesh is tender and sweet, delicious
荔枝好吃的品種“冰荔”成熟了,388元/斤,嫩滑好吃,外觀鮮豔好看Lychee delicious varieties of \
荔枝冰荔成熟了,愛心形的樹形,紅的鮮豔,看著就想吃,388元/斤,你吃過嗎?Lychee ice Lychee ripe, love the heart-shaped tree shape
孔師傅甜賢蜜語入門懶人包之(烘焙工具)工欲善其事,必先利其器。新手如何選擇適合工具?如何善用工具? 一一為你們講解。
滿山荔枝吃不完,阿婆和孫子摘滿滿兩大筐,做一道美味的荔枝湯Stunning lychee, a delicious Chinese dish made with lychee|广西 美食|玉林阿婆
🌟 佛手柑:既迷人又美味的柑橘!🍋 完整种植指南!
都說荔枝很貴,在產地的靚仔摘了一大框才賣45元,大家說虧不虧? 【衣谷水原】
The life of Rambutan|Planting growing and harvesting Rambutan in modern agriculture
嫁接3年的荔枝新品種“冰荔”花穗很靚,嫩滑好吃,焦核率高The new lychee variety \
荔枝新品種(冰荔,翡脆,仙進奉等8個品種)嫁接24個月後,都開花了 After 24 months of grafting, the new lychee varieties have bloomed
冰荔荔枝嫩滑好吃,外觀鮮豔好看,紅彤彤的,看著直流口水Ice lychee tender and delicious, bright and beautiful appearance,drooling
A new litchi variety Jingganghong sticky flower-inducing success? 荔枝新品種井崗紅糯催花成功?退氮乾旱黃化,15天見白點了
好吃的荔枝品種推薦:冰荔鬆軟嫩滑,桂味脆甜,仙進奉清甜 Delicious lychee varieties recommended: Bingli, Guiwei, Xianjinfeng
同一片荔枝園,有些開花繁多,有些稀少,果農看根部環割找到答案 In the same lychee garden, some flowers are abundant, some are rare
斗門這些品种的荔枝 你吃过了嗎?
仙進奉、冰荔、嶺豐糯等荔枝新品種,嫁接11個月後開花了 Flowering of new litchi varieties of Xianjinfeng, Bingli and Lingfengnuo
冰荔荔枝也會爆花,大家以後注意打藥壓花,打乙烯利+多效唑 ice lychee will also burst flowers, playing vinyl + multi-conazole
哪里的荔枝最好吃?必须提名岭南荔枝!桂味荔枝 荔枝片皮鸡 荔枝琥珀核桃芦笋丁 荔枝果冻……《寻味东莞》第1集【CCTV纪录】
【#TOPick精明眼】7月糯米糍當造肉厚多汁 果欄達人教你跟月份食荔枝