Duration: (8:43) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-10T14:43:17+00:00
♥️侯爷忍痛写下和离书!娇妻痛哭认错求侯爷留下,可她的解释却让侯爷再次伤透了心!【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】钟汉良 谭松韵
♥️侯爷忍痛写下和离书,小娇妻慌乱痛哭认错,她的解释让侯爷伤透了心!【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】钟汉良 谭松韵
侯爷为保娇妻安全,忍痛写下和离书,十一娘哭着认错,她的解释却让侯爷伤透心!💕【锦心似玉 the sword and the brocade】
伤心和离!侯爷被娇妻的言行伤害,失望至极写下和离书,娇妻哭着认错解释,痛悔追夫!❤️Chinese Drama【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】
♥️娇妻留下和离书与情敌私奔!侯爷驾马一路追,气得要掐死情敌!【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】钟汉良 谭松韵
【痛悔追夫】侯爷忍痛要和离,小娇妻哭着认错解释,侯爷被伤透心离开,却是为了她牺牲自己。| 锦心似玉💕 中国电视剧
♥️娇妻为保护情敌刺伤侯爷!侯爷隐瞒真相维护娇妻,娇妻看着昏迷的侯爷后悔万分!【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】钟汉良 谭松韵
Marquis was angry and unhappy, but Shiyi made him happy with one action
Ending!Shiyi gives birth to a daughter for Marquis,they are finally happy together
To see Shiyi earlier, Marquis hurried home desperately,and he found Shiyi also missed him
💝新婚当晚灰姑娘主动献出处女身,王爷立马和她激情圆房 | 锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade #谭松韵 #钟汉良
It is said that marquis is cold, but he is very warm in front of ShiYi
The marquis found Shiyi had been driven away and scolded the whole family angrily
Shiyi smiles and makes an appointment with the marquis in the afterlife,he cries like a child
霸道侯爷搞破坏求同房,驳回小娇妻的抗议,铺床狂撩暖心告白:不会再让你受委屈!❤️Chinese Drama【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】
Shiyi narrowly escape death, hugs marquis in tears and finally finds she is pregnant
十一娘牺牲自己保全侯爷,死牢里深情表白,侯爷哭的像个孩子:我决不放弃你!❤️Chinese Drama【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】
♥️小娇妻留下和离书与情敌离开,侯爷暴怒追妻手掐情敌,却险招人暗算!【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】钟汉良 谭松韵
✨侯爷上阵杀敌生死难料,竟给娇妻留下和离书:我根本就不爱你!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
【MOVIE】侯爺擔心自己戰死沙場,給嬌妻留下和離書,嬌妻心痛落淚!|錦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade
♥️吃醋侯爷当这情敌的面与娇妻牵手!小娇妻撒娇解释,侯爷听得心都化了!【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】钟汉良 谭松韵
♥️小娇妻终于交付真心!欲撕毁和离书却被侯爷阻拦,暖心安慰:我会一直陪着你的!【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】钟汉良 谭松韵
♥️小娇妻向侯爷解释逃婚,侯爷质疑她对他的感情,心灰意冷丢下娇妻去找小妾!【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】钟汉良 谭松韵
🎈侯爷为护灰姑娘写下和离书,灰姑娘痛哭不愿离去!【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】
♥️小娇妻拿着和离书泪崩,与侯爷互相思念,相爱却不能相守太虐心!【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】钟汉良 谭松韵
【和离保夫】侯爷宁死不休妻,娇妻为了不连累侯爷,主动和离撇清关系,一人揽下所有罪。| 锦心似玉💕 中国电视剧
♥️侯爷遇刺伤势严重,隐瞒真相维护娇妻却拒绝娇妻的触碰,娇妻心痛后悔万分!【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】钟汉良 谭松韵
Marquis is dying. To avoid his mother hurting Shiyi, he decides to divorce her
侯爷抱着受伤的娇妻回家,对心机小妾视若无睹把她气疯了!⭐锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade
♥️小娇妻不愿相信侯爷是杀母仇人!灌醉侯爷试探他,听到侯爷的回答后心灰意冷!【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】钟汉良 谭松韵