Duration: (8:16) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-13T19:47:16+00:00
灰姑娘被恶毒董事长刺激,对霸总误会更深,伤心离开!🦊#狐狸的夏天The Fox's Summer
Mom said bad things about CEO,CEO misunderstood Cinderella and left sadly|49
灰姑娘被恶毒董事长羞辱,霸总及时赶到护妻,为了她不惜违抗董事长!🦊狐狸的夏天#The Fox's Summer
面对恶毒董事长的威逼,霸总宁可放弃总裁之位,也不愿抛弃灰姑娘!🦊#狐狸的夏天The Fox's Summer
CEO misunderstood Cinderella,she left in tears,CEO finally knew he is wrong|42
霸总被恶毒董事长伤害,决定接受催眠治疗,灰姑娘陪他寻找过去!🦊#狐狸的夏天The Fox's Summer
恶毒董事长不想霸总复职,竟在董事会上诬陷他是“神经病”,霸总被她彻底伤透心!🦊#狐狸的夏天The Fox's Summer
CEO misunderstood that Cinderella and ex had reunited and became jealous|14
灰姑娘误会霸总对自己的爱一场阴谋,彻底心碎离开霸总,霸总肠子都悔青了 【狐狸的夏天S2 The Fox's Summer48】
Happy ending! Cinderella finally returned,CEO kissed her in public, happily ever after
CEO wanted to give up on Cinderella,she left sadly,he finally realized his mistake|45
CEO finally realized he misunderstood Cinderella and tried to make up for her|16
CEO kisses Cinderella in public,the sister finally realizes she is not her rival in love|48
CEO exposed sly woman and proved Cinderella's innocence,she completely fell in love with him|25
💕【Movie】误闯男厕被人暴力撕衣,不料这人竟是她未来的顶头上司!|| Clip 步步倾心 #chinesedrama
seeing Cinderella dates handsome boss,CEO finally regrets what he did to her
the star bully Cinderella,CEO finally stops hiding love and scold her|18
CEO finally realized he was wrong and tried best to coax cinderella|46
CEO finally finds Cinderella has been misunderstood and tries to compensate her
霸总害灰姑娘被开除,酒吧追妻给她提供工作,灰姑娘霸气拒绝让他滚!🦊#狐狸的夏天The Fox's Summer
27霸总大骂灰姑娘,灰姑娘伤心出走,霸总心急彻夜寻找! | 狐狸的夏天 The Fox's Summer
CEO misunderstood Cinderella as a gold digger, and she left him in tears
霸总撕掉灰姑娘辞职信,抱住她不准她离开,灰姑娘不听解释一巴掌打过去!🦊#狐狸的夏天The Fox's Summer
灰姑娘被恶毒董事赶出霸总家门,霸总下秒就追出来,疯狂找她|狐狸的夏天🍨 撒糖LIVESweetLIVE🍨
CEO resolved the misunderstanding between Cinderella and her mother,she loves him more|57
Cinderella,heartbroken,left CEO.CEO finally realized his mistake,look for her all night|30
Cinderella misunderstood the CEO's love as a plot and left him in tears|47
CEO found the truth and left, Cinderella cried in grievance
CEO finally knew why Cinderella left and begged for reconciliation, but she slapped him|48
董事长质问灰姑娘逃婚原因,嘴硬不承认关心霸总,顾少助攻霸总发现真相寻妻!🦊#狐狸的夏天The Fox's Summer