Duration: (1:30) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-25T07:39:14+00:00
[Aduo食味] Yunnan Steamed Chicken. 云南汽锅鸡
[Aduo食味] Spicy inspiration from Sichuan cuisine, Mapo Fish.
[Aduo食味] Chili fish. Crispy, tender, and tasty. 外焦里嫩,纯香四溢辣子鱼。
[Aduo食味] Delicious food from desert. 来自沙漠的美味。
[Aduo食味] Egg with tomato and cilantro。家常菜做出不一样的味道,香菜西红柿烧鸡蛋。
[Aduo食味] Bacon Potato. 培根土豆丝
[Aduo食味] Water Ballet. 水上芭蕾。
Rural cuisine in Xingtai, Hebei河北邢台老炒肉,威县薄饼卷牛肉,乡村油饼豆腐脑,阿星逛清风楼
Street snacks at the ancient wharf in Qu County, Sichuan四川渠县美食,三汇锅盔夹凉粉,麻辣水八块,阿星吃临巴蒸菜
Spicy street food in Bazhong, Sichuan四川巴中美食,芝麻土灶饼,麻辣肥肠宴,阿星吃居民楼牛油火锅
Beef soup in Luoyang, the Peony Flower Capital, Henan Province河南洛阳牛肉汤,早上6点喝头汤,饼丝汽水套餐,阿星花都赏牡丹
云南腾冲和顺古镇,百年早市美食,稀豆粉大救驾,阿星吃毛豆腐Traditional snacks in Tengchong ancient town
Mianyang rice noodles and Jiangyou fat intestines in Sichuan四川绵阳牛肉米粉,江油青莲肥肠,阿星逛青林口古镇,吃豆腐宴
Traditional Cantonese cuisine in Shenzhen, Guangdong广东深圳老牌粤菜,内地第一家麦当劳,火焰醉鹅,阿星逛巨人展
腾冲永安村牛扒烀,大铁锅炖牛肉,香脆牛干巴,阿星体验界头造纸Country food stewed beef in Tengchong, Yunnan
Fish Mint: A Delicious Yet Acquired Taste 【叫我阿霞Channel】
Special delicacy stewed beef in Yunnan Yuanyang云南元阳清炖牛肉,花椒薄荷蘸水,大芫荽牛干巴,铁锤石舂味道好
【一饮一啄】云南菜 自然之味版纳酸汤鱼
Gourmet Steam Pot Chicken in Jianshui, Yunnan云南建水汽锅鸡,香辣牛肝菌,凉拌仙人掌,阿星逛碗窑村紫陶作坊
Traditional Food in Jianshui Ancient County, Yunnan云南建水古城美食,草芽米线,大板井手工小豆腐,小镇辣烤罗非鱼
Spicy street food in Deyang, Sichuan四川德阳麻辣美食,鲜椒哑巴兔,伤心春卷凉粉,阿星吃糯香干锅
能吃辣的一定要试试云南普洱麻辣撇菜根水豆豉!口感又麻又辣十分开胃!老坛发酵加了小米辣和苤菜根一起腌的!一瓶有260克!配料表非常干净,喜欢吃麻辣撇菜根水豆豉的朋友小黄车下单!优质农产品 农村电商 普
云南顺江烧肉米线,火盆现烤五花肉,腾冲小镇老店,大碗肉多料满Roasted pork rice noodle in Shunjiang, Yunnan