Duration: (1:20) ?Subscribe5835 2025-03-01T02:19:27+00:00
Sarek Transferred Michael's Katra to Picard During their Mind Meld in Star Trek TNG
Ambassador Sarek and Captain Spock
The Search for Spock (1984) \
Proof that Sarek Still Carries Michael Burnham's Katra in Star Trek TNG
Kirk Mind Melds with Sarek and Discovers Michael Burnham from Star Trek Discovery
Star Trek III The Search for Spock (1984): 'His revenge for all the arguments he lost'
Star Trek - McCoy Gets The Last Word / Sarek Tells A Joke
Star Trek - Murdered
Sokath his eyes uncovered!
Spock's MILF'y Mom. (Feat. Pike being a terrible wingman.)
Captain Spock Encourages Admiral Kirk to Assume Command
Riker gains the respect of the Klingons | Star Trek TNG
Scene from Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock
Captain Kirk Gives Captain Picard Some Advice
The Future of Klingon Empire
Enterprise Battle Against the Unknown Vessel Part 2
Enterprise Battle Against the Unknown Vessel Part 1
Star Trek Into Darkness - Spock Talks to Spock Prime / Melee on the Vengeance
Time Will Eventually Lead To Irrepairable Circuit Failure
His Emotions Have Taken Over
Star Trek III The Search For Spock Admiral Kirk \u0026 Sarek
Ambassador Sarek Onboard The USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701
Picard Sarek emotions 720p TNG
Spock and Sarek
Sarek Of Vulcan Never Confused What He Wanted With The Truth
Ambassador Sarek Lose Control of his Emotions
Sarek Tells Young Spock to Choose Between Vulcans \u0026 Humans (Star Trek The Animated Series)
(STAR TREK 2009 DELETED SCENE) Sarek gets Amanda
Sarek - Star Trek Picard Season 2 Episode 2