Duration: (14:22) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-26T13:34:17+00:00
「夫夫」脏脏想帶星星去雲南青島玩互相嫌對方嘴臭ZZ want to have a trip with XX they both dislike each other's bad breath
「夫夫」青島見面前星星不理脏脏是因為他照片太土星星想專門訂做一對星星圖案的對戒XX ignore ZZ b4 they met in QD cuz his pix in WeChat is suck
「夫夫」脏脏對別人暴躁後星星從旁提醒而不是教育他希望脏脏成為更好的人XX give advice when ZZ had bad temper to others to make him better
「夫夫」瘋狂粉絲狂刷小心心被脏脏拉黑樓上住戶吵架摔東西嚇醒星星A crazy fan Is in ZZ live rm XX is waken up when neighbor throw thing
「夫夫」脏脏新髮型太帥星星渾身發熱星星說他很快樂不想反攻說對方最害怕的事XX feel so🥵for ZZ new 💇♂️XX dont want to be 1as he is so😊now
「夫夫」星星撒嬌要脏脏淘耳朵脏脏躺在星星身上用星星腳掌打電話XX enjoy ZZ cleaning his👂ZZ lean against XX \u0026 pretend to📞by XX🦶
「夫夫」他們都說被對方傳染感冒星星開玩笑他鼻子是脏脏打的they both say they got🤧fm each other XX just kidding his👃is hit by ZZ
「夫夫」脏脏會給星星過每個生日脏脏期待跟星星談一場校園戀愛ZZ spend every bday with XX \u0026 looking forward to having campus❤️with XX
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之玩「我有你沒有」脏脏赖皮狡辯功夫一流 ZZ cheats when they are playing “the thing I have but you don’t have”
「夫夫」星星媽媽很抗拒他的身份但他只想做自己現在的他變得很尖銳XX’s mom still didn’t accept him he isn’t gentle but very sharp now
「夫夫」媽媽快回家他們給媽媽餞行星星越來越自信值得脏脏的愛mom will go🏠soon XX become more \u0026 more confident he deserve ZZ’s love
「夫夫」星星吃飯罵黑子最開心如果爸打媽他們就把媽接走XX feel😊when eating\u0026fight with hater they will pick up👩if she is🙁with👨
「夫夫」星星終於出鏡看電視劇又笑又哭健身完去吃街邊小吃finally see XX again he😭\u0026😃when watching📺 he like street food so much
「夫夫」他們最喜歡的CP鮁魚浩南分手星星說他們之間公平公正公開他也想成為脏脏依靠Everything is open between them XX want to be ZZ’s reliance
「夫夫」星星忘記穿外褲就直播星星犯焦慮症讓脏脏去客房睡XX forget to wear👖before livestream they😴in 2🛏when XX’s anxiety attack
「夫夫」脏脏喝多變身脏懟懟又愛對星星撒嬌索吻還爆出星星因為沒灌好而放棄愛愛drunk ZZ love hug\u0026kiss XX\u0026he tell a secret but got a slap fm XX
「夫夫」奶星擔心小新被人欺負起身查問實力演示如果遇到霸凌如何反擊XX show XiaoXin how he hit back If someone try to bully him
「夫夫」星星叫脏脏爹地撒嬌想吃東西拗女王造型跟脏脏舌吻迎2022年XX call ZZ daddy\u0026post like a Queen to have wet💋with ZZ for yr 2022
「夫夫」脏脏整晚沒喝酒為下播後開車帶星星出去散心ZZ don’t drink at all cuz he will drive XX to relax after CNY eve count down
「夫夫」脏脏星直播錄屏之吃飽飽的奶星犯困要老公抱著哄睡覺 XX feel sleepy after he Is full, ZZ hug and coax him into sleeping
「夫夫」星星獨自去青島找房子晚上去喝一杯脏脏太粘人老打電話給他XX go to QD alone to look for a🏠ZZ miss him so much\u0026keep calling him
「夫夫」脏脏不是怕老婆而是愛老婆星星長胖眼睛變小ZZ isn’t a henpecked hubby he just love and respect his wifey so much
「夫夫」脏脏終於吃上蘋果肉星星吃飽就睡還打呼了ZZ finally eat🍎grunt XX is used to take a nap after eating
「夫夫」星星腳像人參脏脏親一口能長生不老脏脏老摸星星屁屁XX toes like Ginseng ZZ won’t get older if he kiss it ZZ stroke XX butt
「夫夫」脏脏很快就要去西藏出差星星學會吸煙減壓ZZ will have a trip to Tibet with his tutor XX smoke when he feel depressed
「夫夫」脏脏說只要遇到對的人就會變得好看他們當初貨只為能給星星免費吃還能順便賺錢ZZ say people will become better when met the right person
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之愛愛時喜歡什麼姿勢 「我喜歡你趴著,你喜歡自己坐上來」 這不是直播錄屏,這是他們在B站的50問視頻其中一個問題,不過實在太經典,我忍不住就截下來了。