Duration: (51:55) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-16T10:50:42+00:00
企鵝妹在澳洲穿青蛙裝看秀 Jinny wears frog costume to watch show in Australia
企鵝妹穿青蛙裝玩跳舞機 Jinny wears frog costume and plays dance machine
企鵝妹cosplay青蛙裝 在旅館撐傘 Jinny cosplays in frog costume and holds umbrella in hotel
企鵝妹穿青蛙裝吃芋圓粉圓冰 Jinny wears frog costume and eats taro balls and pink ice balls
青蛙企鵝妹在澳洲吃辣炒年糕 她覺得好吃 The frog Jinny ate spicy fried rice cake in Australia and she thought it was del
企鵝妹穿青蛙裝給畫家畫卡通畫像 很可愛 Jinny wears frog costume to draw cartoon portrait for artist, very cute
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企鵝妹在路邊做瑜珈 澳洲人黑人問號 Jinny doing yoga on the roadside, Australian black people question mark
企鵝妹在澳洲浮潛時 遇到很多比基尼辣妹 Jinny met many bikini girls while snorkeling in Australia
Jinny企鵝妹 - 青蛙在幹嘛
企鵝妹遇到正在換裝皮卡丘的青蛙仙人 Jinny meets frog fairy who is changing into Pikachu
企鵝妹拿高爾夫球跳企鵝舞 澳洲人黑人問號 Jinny dances penguin dance with golf ball, Australian black people question mar
企鵝妹Jinny - 喝青蛙的蛋?
企鵝妹在澳洲觀賞小提琴表演 Jinny watches violin performance in Australia
企鵝妹在澳洲下海玩水 看到很多比基尼辣妹 Jinny went to play in the sea in Australia and saw many hotties in bikinis
企鵝妹在澳洲海灘巧遇實況主Kofu 兩人好久不見了 Jinny accidentally met the live host Kofu on the beach in Australia The
企鵝妹在澳洲看夕陽 Jinny watching the sunset in Australia
企鵝妹在澳洲酒吧邊跳企鵝舞邊唱歌 Jinny dances penguin dance and sings in Australian bar
Jinny 企鵝妹 遇到青蛙仙人 收到青蛙氣球 呱呱 Meet the frog fairy and receive the frog balloon
企鵝妹在觀賞古裝舞蹈時 有粉絲找她拍照 When Jinny was watching a costume dance, some fans asked her to take pictures
企鵝妹在澳洲玩碰碰車 一直被外國人撞 Jinny was hit by foreigners while playing with bumper cars in Australia