Duration: (10:51) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-08T15:31:22+00:00
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.22 挑戰沉沒之塔最速傳說!主教篇第一季完結。 |turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.23 詩人篇章開啟,先來個簡單的100等拉赫伊甸園支線~ |turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
TWRO仙境傳說【雙人系列-從零開始的波利生活】EP.22 經驗肥厚的藍撞羊!終於有快速練功的感覺了,經驗跟寶物大量增加中!@jjtonynick
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.24 伊甸園100等支線-冰洞篇,千萬不要一時手滑按錯武器 |turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.27 梗梗是笑點超低的奇妙女子!剛認識就約去泡溫泉?|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.26 強化殘響裝備!大晴剛認識小夥伴就直接借錢?!|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.19 增傷2.5倍的神聖之光,瞬移技能與翅膀的差別?|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.21 強化完成的冰箭術!神官單練岩波區!|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
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Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.8 古城地下監獄的特殊際遇!|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.12 淺談火二外掛問題,重新體驗原汁原味的RO三寶!|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.16 獸人村大暴走!注意地方媽媽的誘惑!|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
【RO雙人成長EP.10】國王證券賺大錢! 終於存到買裝備的錢了~ | 觀眾來信 | @tranquil0118 | Ragnarok 仙境傳說
【RO雙人成長EP.1】從零開始的雙人波利伺服器生活 | @tranquil0118 | 什麼都沒有,什麼都稀有
【RO日常#22】MVP輪盤 | 打王新樂趣 圍成一圈放血跡! | feat.雨小棠\u0026大晴\u0026魚頭公會 | TWRO 仙境傳說 Ragnarok online
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.14 大晴終於課金了!究竟波利的精煉磁場如何呢? |turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.2 瞬間花光之前的財產,做足練功前的準備!|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.28 媲美龍二的練功區,各種浴池的療效!|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.0 處理上一個波利系列的物品,揮別過去!再創回憶!|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.7 揭露20年前大晴的賺錢方法!|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.29 RO界的ETF?殘響傷害再升級!|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.6 遇到發錢玩家!意外成為千萬富翁?|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.3 超猛喝水升級法!聽說有嚴重後遺症?|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.4 幻想成長藥水的嚴重後遺症,我整集都在後悔...|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.13 轉生下修的條件,又見傭兵好夥伴。|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.25 物理與魔法的雙修詩人,突然獲得一個滿等傭兵小夥伴!|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|
Ragnarok Online【波利的課金養老生活】EP.20 進入最催眠副本,講講關於周末副本的小歷史!|turn on the Closed Captions on YouTube|