Duration: (12:43) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-20T21:41:26+00:00
[歐國盃熱話] 20210614 EP07 請別吹奏法蘭迪保亞... 住! @-marcus7549 @FootballLive
[歐國盃熱話] 20210614 EP09 力戰而敗,北馬輸人唔輸陣 @andrewyuen0128 @-marcus7549
[歐國盃熱話] 20210614 EP08 青黃不接的世界盃亞軍 @andrewyuen0128 @FootballLive
[歐國盃熱話] 20210621 EP14 突厥無戰事 @FootballLive @-marcus7549
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[歐國盃熱話] 20210612 EP03 揭幕戰後評:一場勝負不足下定論 @-marcus7549 @FootballLive
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[歐國盃熱話] 20210613 EP05 巴爾你可以做得更多囉 @andrewyuen0128 @FootballLive
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[歐國盃熱話] 20210616 EP10 棄用B施華,葡萄牙可以行得更遠? @-marcus7549 @FootballLive
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[歐國盃熱話] 20210612 EP04 佛系安歷基 / 西班牙大賽前Bad luck 三連霸 @andrewyuen0128 @-marcus7549
[歐國盃熱話] 20210612 EP02 點解冇俾意大利12碼? @-marcus7549 @FootballLive
【歐國盃】Day Three 後總結(REUPLOAD)
[歐國盃熱話] 20210618 EP11 北馬頂唔住核彈頭轟炸 但鬥志值得課like @andrewyuen0128 @FootballLive
[歐國盃熱話] 20210618 EP12 比利時贏丹麥MOTM竟然唔係迪布尼?@andrewyuen0128 @-marcus7549
[歐國盃熱話] 20210611 EP01 意大利開波前巴塞獵物因傷退隊? 麥佳亞原來分組賽未必踢得! @球人誌 - Marcus @球迷直播室 Football Live
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[歐國盃熱話] 20210613 EP06 祝艾歷臣早日康復 @-marcus7549 @andrewyuen0128
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