Duration: (27) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-21T12:20:23+00:00
➤EAGLE - 建築模型事務所|「川沐大苑」透天厝x建築模型|EP1
[建築模型 Architectural Model]
製作超美巴洛克風格的建築立面,迷你建築施工中|巴洛克建築模型 EP1|Mini architectural model
小心翼翼外送億萬豪宅模型 | careful! Delivery model of luxury home exceeding 100 million yuan
Large High-rise Building Model Production. Korean Model Building Techniques
Between the Stones and the Water | Peak House
Maison K: The Green Oasis with a Stunning Hanging Garden Facade. Ep.69
京大建築 Vertical Review 05 - 2023.9.14
Articulated by Horizontal Concrete Planes | Escobar House
堡微缩景观世界 - 世界上最大的铁路模型动态场景 - 官方视频
Wujiang River Gallery 🇨🇳🏞️: Where Serendipity Meets Stunning Landscapes 💙🌊 | 乌江画廊的风花雪月❄️🌙 | 重庆周边🌿
建築149 Nishinomiya Shell Museum Designed by Tadao Ando:西宮市貝類館 安藤忠雄設計
五層樓透天模型製作 | Five-story building model production
最美圖書館模型製作全紀錄 | The complete record of making the most beautiful library model
➤EAGLE - 建築模型事務所|「有川」溫泉會館x建築模型|EP2
T3航廈模型組裝全過程 | T3-Terminal model assembly
過濾器設施模型製作 | Filter model making
整間模型公司只有我是建築系 | I am the only one majoring in architecture
模型頂上對決 | Showdown of models
滿天星樹木製作方法 | How to make a tree
房產銷售加分道具! 建築模型超夯 造價60萬起跳建築模型仰賴手工 3D列印機器難取代 造價高最得意曾復刻戰時大砲 |記者 莫祥珍 魏國旭 |【好宅敲敲門】20230415|三立 iNEWS
模型界黑暗面 | The dark side of the modeling world
超仿真貨櫃浪板 | Super simulation container house
百分之百還原建築樣貌 | 100% Restore the architectural appearance
近千隻濾心瘋狂趕工 | Thousands of water pipes rushed to work
勇奪冠軍的最美圖書館模型 | The most beautiful library building model that won the championship
➤EAGLE 建築模型事務所|「木柵」周圍環境x地形模型