Duration: (11:36) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-10T16:33:32+00:00
速看EP29|✨小妾故意破坏侯爷与娇妻约会,谁知被侯爷看穿一顿怒骂!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
速看EP30|✨小妾得侯爷不成派丫鬟勾引,侯爷盛怒:叫她滚出去!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
速看EP27|✨小妾被嫌弃找侯爷撑腰,侯爷一脸不屑:自作自受!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
速看EP28|✨小妾污蔑娇妻出轨,谁知来人竟是侯爷,被狠狠教训!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
速看EP32|✨侯爷醉酒娇妻贴心照料,小妾却只会大发脾气被婆婆厌弃!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
💞正妻被小妾强压一头,侯爷送花安慰正妻,怒骂小妾不安分!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
The evil concubine drove the Marquis's wife(shiyi)out of the house on rainy day
♥️速看—母亲逼侯爷纳妾,侯爷怒怼母亲,发誓此生只爱娇妻,绝不纳妾!【锦心似玉The Sword And The Brocade】
Zhunge complained about marquis: Dad was too timid to sleep without holding mom,so cute!
Happy ending!Marquis finally realize his mistake and tapologize to the wronged concubine
十一娘点破心机小妾阴谋,五夫人怒扇心机女,霸气怒怼句句扎心,太解气!💕【锦心似玉 the sword and the brocade】
The marquis finally admitted he love Shiyi and swore to love her for life
侯爷甜蜜宠妻被儿子打断,十一娘为哄儿子,竟然安排侯爷做玩具!💕【锦心似玉 the sword and the brocade】
💝新婚当晚灰姑娘主动献出处女身,王爷立马和她激情圆房 | 锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade #谭松韵 #钟汉良
✨心机小妾公报私仇,杖责娇妻下人,侯爷霸气护妻惩治心机小妾 |锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
✨妻子平安归来,心机小妾太过震惊引起侯爷怀疑|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
The marquis warned evil concubine not to hurt Shiyi again. she was so scared and knelt down
Marquis refuted silly mother and swore he only love Shiyi and would not marry anyone else
速看EP22|✨圆房之后再添儿子,侯爷与娇妻恩爱非常,气坏小妾!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
♥️速看—侯爷要纳婢女为妾!娇妻伤心欲绝,含泪与情敌一起离开【锦心似玉The Sword And The Brocade】
侯爷缠着十一娘聊天,温柔试探想让娇妻主动坦白,心机小妾故意打扰,侯爷不想搭理却被缠住。💕【锦心似玉 the sword and the brocade】
【解气】侯爷去娘家找小娇妻,心机小妾太放肆,侯爷岳母毫不给脸,当面怼场面很舒适!| 锦心似玉💕 中国电视剧
速看EP24|✨侯爷不抱娇妻睡不着,娇妻听了害羞偷笑~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
速看EP40|✨侯爷回家为娇妻撑腰,将小妾赶去当尼姑!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
速看EP38|✨小妾趁侯爷不在家作威作福,将娇妻赶出家门!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
Marquis only sleeps with Shiyi. Shiyi is finally pregnant. The evil concubine is so jealous
速看EP39|✨小妾被侯爷抓现行,所有罪行一一呈现,娇妻终于报仇雪恨!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
💞侯爷为娇妻一改高冷,全家和美,却唯独对小妾冷漠,小妾气的抓狂!!|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade
速看EP19|✨侯爷眼中只有娇妻,百般暗示想要同房~|锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade