Duration: (9:2) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-09T17:15:49+00:00
【請叫我總監EP10-11搶先】寧檬被霸總“虐”慘了,忍無可忍邊哭邊罵他,絕望之餘偶遇初戀男神!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
【請叫我總監EP11搶先】寧檬委屈哭泣,霸總溫柔安慰,瞬間俘獲寧檬受傷的心!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
霸總深夜留宿寧檬家,卻口無遮攔激怒她,瘋狂反擊將他趕走!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
🍻CEO watched sly man go home with Cinderella in his arms, jealous and heartbroken.
霸總太愛寧檬,主動妥協放她走,又忍不住偷偷為她鋪好後路!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
霸總終於知道自己冤枉了寧檬,心生愧疚立馬去找她,寧檬卻死心塌地要去別的公司!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
霸總帶寧檬見家長,寧檬輕鬆討得公婆歡心,霸總地位不保!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
【請叫我總監EP15劇透】霸總和寧檬彼此心動卻互相逃避,無意間的肌膚觸碰,雙雙羞紅了臉!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
🍻Cinderella didn't want to be a secretary, CEO told her to get out in front of colleagues
【請叫我總監EP10-11劇透】霸總目睹寧檬和帥總裁約會,瘋狂吃醋,氣得飯都吃不下!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
寧檬加班到深夜,霸總嘴硬心軟關心她,贏得寧檬好感!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
敢動霸總的女人!寧檬被心機男陷害,霸總拿出證據,直接讓他滾!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
寧檬要轉崗,霸總夜不能寐,連夜給她漲工資!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
🍻CEO finally got what he wanted and won award, looked at Cinderella affectionately.
【請叫我總監搶先看】寧檬氣質提升霸氣回歸,又美又颯迷暈霸總,晚上克制不住想她!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
灰姑娘伺候霸總三年突然要離開,卻不知霸總早已愛上她,不惜一切“求”她留下!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
【請叫我總監搶先看】寧檬主動示好,卻被霸總毒舌嘲諷,嘴不饒人懟得霸總自閉!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
《請叫我總監》💕預告第10集11集:宁檬與學長約會撞見陆既明, 想不到呷醋場面來得這麼快呀! #Master of my own#谭松韵seven#林更新#Chinese drama#
🍭secretary brought CEO home, complaining about his grievance, but CEO discovered her secret
霸總醉酒只要寧檬伺候,寧檬帶他回家悉心照顧,意外聽到霸總的“告白!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
【吻戲搶先看】小秘書強勢撲倒霸道總裁,強吻拿捏霸總的心!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】花絮合集
🍻Cinderella couldn't hold back her feelings any longer, got herself drunk and angry at CEO
EP11 First Look: Lin Gengxin scolded Tan Songyun to tears, Lin Gengxin comforted Tan Songyun!
寧檬優秀到發光,霸總害怕她被搶走,竟瘋狂貶低她!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
The female secretary broke out and complained, and the CEO was kicked out of the house
寧檬不顧一切要離職,霸總因愛失去理智讓她滾,二人徹底決裂!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
【請叫我總監EP6抢先看】寧檬裸辭激怒霸總,慘遭霸總全行業封殺,哭著質問他!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】
💗【请叫我总监 Master of My Own】EP9-10预告:娇妻淋雨怒怼霸总,酒吧重逢男神怦然心动。
霸總獲得大獎激動向寧檬示愛,寧檬對霸總又愛又崇拜,二人眼神對視滿滿是愛!【請叫我總監 Master of My Own】