Duration: (15:22) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-21T14:31:45+00:00
2021_1118 |【早安佛光】:無遮大會 A dharma service that benefits all beings
2021_1113 |【早安佛光】:也無風雨 也無晴 Beyond Dualism
2021_1117 |【早安佛光】:蓮位一二事 All about memorial arrangements
2021_1116 |【早安佛光】:敢於夢想 Daring to dream
2021_1125 |【早安佛光】:不是得到 就是學到 You either achieve or learn from it
2021_1127 |【早安佛光】:不聽話 Why aren’t you listening?
2021_1106|【早安佛光】:藥師法門(3)-有願就有力量 Medicine Buddha Teachings (3)- Vow is Strength
2021_1126 |【早安佛光】:眾生隨類各得解 Each understand the meaning according to one’s affinity
12小时长时熏修 合唱 #南无阿弥陀佛 #印能法师
#獨家 母烙話「林岱樺只缺選票.不缺錢」 控政治打壓|TVBS新聞 @TVBSNEWS01
2021_1114 |【早安佛光】:佛光墓園的因緣 The story of the Buddha’s Light Memorial Garden
陳曉陳妍希徹底離婚,沒想到二胎對一個家庭的影響這麼大!兩人離婚竟是因為孩子? #觀復嘟嘟 #馬未都 #圆桌派
2022_11.16 |【早安佛光】:找回內心的力量 Finding your inner strength
2024_1031 七難九橫vs續命幡燈 7calamities and 9causes of premature death vs life-extending banner and lantern
2024_1104 |【早安佛光】:藥師經裡的醫學 The medicine in the Medicine Buddha Sutra
2021_1105 |【早安佛光】:佛教一本通(4)- 內在的佛性 All about Buddhism (3) - The inner Buddha nature
2021_1201 |【早安佛光】:編織一片光明 Weaving hope and light
2021_0224|【早安佛光】:功德無價 Priceless merits
2021_1104|【早安佛光】:藥師法門(2)-文殊啓請 Bodhisattva Manjushri leading with questions
2022_11.18 |【早安佛光】:感謝無常 Thankful for impermanence
2021_1109 |【早安佛光】:說唱弘法 Dharma Propagation Through Music
2025_0218 |【早安佛光】:禪淨獻燈功德深
2021_1103|【早安佛光】:藥師法門(1)- 認識淨土 Medicine Buddha Teachings (1) - Knowing Pure Land
2022_0316 |【早安佛光】: 不自惱亦不惱他 Not to be annoyed or be an annoyance to others
2023_0106 |【早安佛光】:等無差別 Equally without distinction
2021_0326 |【早安佛光】:每週一課9-佛佛道同,光光無礙 All Buddhas lead the same path, all lights permeate the same space
2024_1117 |【早安佛光】:北卡佛光緣 Fo Guang affinities with North Carolina