Duration: (2:21) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-12T22:24:34+00:00
[協創機構] 紀治興︰培訓年輕人 傳承實用技巧 | [Intermediaries] Dr Kee: to train youngsters and pass on practical skills
[協創機構] 譚穎茜︰全方位支援社會創業家 | [Intermediaries] Jessica Tam: all-round support for social entrepreneurs
[協創機構] 阮厲欣:加強項目的社會效益|[Intermediaries] Darius Yuen:Enhancing the Social Impact of Supported Ventures
[協創機構] 李淑慧︰弱勢社群成為社會創業家 | [Intermediaries] Anthea Lee: the disadvantaged as social innovators
SES2024 社企入門 101 Social Entrepreneurship 101
[年輕人參與] 李正儀:培育年青人投身社創|[Young Innovators] Jane Lee : Nurturing Young People to be Social Innovators
SES2024 SES 交流共創影響力 2024 SES Change for Impact 2024
沒有父幹|0成本創業心得|19歲第一次創業|女生要累積財富|創業賺錢多過正職|15年創業經驗分享|賭命夫妻 – Teris佩妍(中文字幕)
M Patisserie 全新Workshop大公開!教你點上嚟黃竹坑! [ Workshop Tour ] - Manci Man 文慧詩
Alan Dignam - The AI Corporation: Corporate Governance in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Leadership Fundamentals for the Next Generation | Robert McEwan | TEDxXavierUniversity
BEC EnviroSeries Conference 環保領袖論壇 (Nov 2024) Opening Remarks
How is Artificial Intelligence Transforming Firms? Keynote Speech
How Your Company Can Gain a Global Talent Advantage | Johann Daniel Harnoss | TED
Building Smart: Genevieve Krahn on Functional Design and Quality Craftsmanship
社創短片資助計劃 2017 |Social Innovation Short Film Sponsorship Scheme 2017
紀治興 - 豐盛社企學會主席
突破常規 創造社會價值 | Creating Social Value with Novelties
「最壞的年代 最好的創業開始 - Double Chefs Market」
City Scope Magazine | 香港青年創業計劃 | Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme | Buttar \u0026 Associates | Chinese
《社創短片資助計劃》社創項目 - 客戶中心協會 及 Alchemist Creations
Finye HOng kong (Youth Entrepreneurs Summit 2024
支援設計師創業營商 06年至今200公司受惠