Duration: (3:57) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-09T10:35:58+00:00
荔枝紅美人新品種嫁接第2年座果率還行,膨大期可打蕓苔素內酯+殺蟲殺菌劑+磷酸二氫鉀Lychee red beauty new seeds grafted in the second year
荔枝第三次保果技術分享:打蕓苔素內酯+磷酸二氫鉀+鈣鎂硼鋅,促進膨大轉色Third time lychee fruit preservation technology sharing
桂味荔枝第2次保果,花生米大小時打保果藥(复硝酚鈉+蕓苔素內酯)+殺蟲殺菌劑,促進膨大成熟For the second time, we applied fruit preservative
荔枝新品種“遲美人”脫小葉如何處理?打6%乙氧氟草醚,或者乙烯利+蕓苔素內酯How to deal with the litchi variety when it loses its leaflets
荔枝大丁香及時第三次保果,打鈣鎂硼鋅+蕓苔素內酯等,補充營養防止裂果Lychee lilac in time for the third fruit preservation,with calcium
荔枝何時第三次保果,以及防控蒂蛀蟲?第二次生理落果前幾天,打蝨蟎脲+甲維鹽+蕓苔素內酯等When is the third time to preserve of lychee
嫁接2年的荔枝新品種“紅美人”花穗很散較靚,期待坐果成功 The new lychee variety \
【叶片异常之黄绿相间】究竟是缺镁还是缺铁锰锌?|不可滥用泻盐/浴盐Epsom Salt
【田尾系列ep3】 到田尾買果樹,什麼都有賣,品質好又便宜。
人人都可以 创造个性化嫁接玫瑰如此简单!园艺篇626
菊花种植今天正式开始,下半年全家的口粮,种花我是认真的。 西瓜视频
荔枝 玉荷包 Z字形接法(舌接法)
荔枝4種保果藥介紹:第三次保果不建議打氯吡脲+卡氨基嘌呤,可考慮胺鮮酯+蕓苔素內酯Introduction of 4 types of fruit preservatives for lychee
桂味荔枝何時第二次保果?當黃豆大小時,記得打藥保果,比如蕓苔素內酯等When is the second time to preserve the fruit of cinnamon lychees
荔枝紅美人新品種,果大晚熟,葉子厚綠,嫁接成活率高Lychee red beauty new species, large fruit late, thick green leaves
荔枝新品種(紅美人,冰荔)嫁接那些事,小枝癒合好,癒合快 Those things about grafting new lychee varieties (Hongmeiren, Bingli)
荔枝新品種嫁接:如巨美人,紅美人等15個品種,期待今年嚐嚐味道 Grafting of new varieties of lychees: 15 varieties
荔枝新品種:美人系列少量開花,三月份嫁接的,恢復樹勢慢 New lychee variety: Beauty series blooms in small quantities
紅美人荔枝新品種嫁接12個月後開花結果了,果穗好看,產量不錯Hongmeiren lychee blossoms and bears fruit after 12 months of grafting
荔枝紅美人新品種:枝條老熟良好,控梢不錯Lychee Red Beauty New Breeding: Branches mature well, good tip control
遲美人荔枝花穗都是雌花,座果率高,缺點是花穗太短了,遇到雨天那就很糟糕了 Late beauty lychee flower spikes are female flowers
荔枝妃子笑嫩梢促老熟,可打葉面肥磷酸二氫鉀+氨基酸等Litchi Fizihao shoots to promote ripening,can play leaf surface fertilizer
荔枝果樹何時嫁接呢?建議2月-5月嫁接 When are litchi fruit trees grafted? recommended to graft from February to May