Duration: (6:3) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-12T22:19:09+00:00
龍德上師:因地不真,果召迂曲Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche:Hypocritical behavior leads to worse return
龍德上師:為什麼看不透自身問題?Master Lung Du:Why can’t we see our own problems?
龍德上師:損德招感逆境Master Lung Du:Ruining your virtue brings predicament
龍德上師:給世間女子的四個忠告Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche:the four advices for the women.
龍德上師:臨終前的體驗Master Lung Du:The experience before the point of death
龍德上師:自心招感一切禍福Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche:The heart will attract all good and back lucks
龍德上師:凡事皆因果Master Lung Du:everything comes from Karma
龍德上師:三世因果三日還Repay the karma of three times in three days.
慈悲 龍德上師金剛乘十四根本大戒開示(第4集)|觀音山佛法課程
龍德上師:心量大的人,福氣滿滿Master Lung Du:the wider the mind, the bigger the fortune.
龍德上師:動心忍性就是最大的加持 The best blessing is to stimulate the mind and strengthen the nature.
龍德上師說因果:淫業導致功名不順Adultery cause the obstacles of careers
龍德上師:你心中光明嗎?Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche:Is your heart bright?
龍德上師:中元節的緣由Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche:the origin of the Ghost Festival
龍德上師:久遠劫的六道父母,皆須超渡Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche:all the parents formerly need to be transcend
龍德上師:不要貪圖享受,要懂得付出Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche:not covet enjoyment but giving
龍德上師:修行真相Master Lung Du:The truth of self-cultivation
龍德上師:同修如何增益彼此Master Lung Du:How the fellow devotee benefit each other?
龍德上師:處處不離禪Master Lung Du:live with Zen everywhere
龍德上師:趕緊行善,別等無常到Master Lung Du:don't wait the impermanence come, but practice virtue immediately
龍德上師:珍惜眼前的聖因緣Master Lung Du:Cherish the present holiness chance
龍德上師:小心年節造業快Master Lung Du:It’s easy to do wrong things while in holidays