Duration: (29) ?Subscribe5835 2025-03-01T01:00:54+00:00
Improving posture in seconds #feldenkraismethod #feldenkraisnyc #feldenkrais #posture
Fix Lower Back Pain in 60 Seconds | Feldenkrais Somatic Movement #feldenkrais #backpain
Tips for healthy back
It's good for all of us - Discovering Core Ability \u0026 Agility with Dwight Pargee
TIP #8 Rotation of the Shoulders \u0026 Pelvis for Elegant and Efficient Walking #feldenkrais #gait
Why Feldenkrais?
Feldenkrais Method: Why Are the Movements so Small \u0026 Slow?
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4 Minute Hand and Finger Pain Relief, Part One | Feldenkrais Method Exercises
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Awareness Through Movement: Improving Your Health \u0026 Life Using The Feldenkrais Method®
Neck Pain Relief using the Feldenkrais Method
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Feldenkrais Method - EXPLAINED - Volume 1
Break Free from Old, Limiting Patterns with this one of a kind program
Better Posture with the Feldenkrais® Method