Duration: (8:17) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-07T16:25:26+00:00
🌷凤九厨艺惊人,美味糖醋鱼勾了帝君的魂儿,把她留在自己寝宫,日日作伴【三生三世枕上书Eternal Love of Dream】
Fengjiu cooked sweet and sour fish for the Emperor, but others ate them first【Eternal Love of Dream】
🌷帝君吃瘪!侍从被连宋误关进法器,凤九做的糖醋鱼还被抢走了,帝君气得直生闷气【三生三世枕上书Eternal Love of Dream】
[ENG]这小日子过得真幸福,帝君亲自下厨给凤九做糖醋鱼! | 三生三世枕上书 Eternal Love of Dream | EP01 | 迪丽热巴 高伟光 | 剧好看
Fengjiu's cooking conquers the emperor,evil princess is jealous
Emperor Jun likes FengJiu(fox) so much that he wants to be with her all the time
👩❤️👨凤九的糖醋鱼拿下帝君的胃,可怜鲤鱼精被煮,心机女想抢功被无视【三生三世枕上书 | Eternal Love of Dream】
Siming is frightened by the emperor's cooking skills
帝君一个飞扑,狠狠吻了上去,凤九直言有你别无所求了!💕#三生三世枕上书 #Eternal Love of Dream#迪丽热巴 #高伟光
【MOVIE】鳳九終於恢復記憶與帝君相認,兩人在山洞內甜蜜擁吻,私定終身!|三生三世枕上書 Eternal Love of Dream
帝君疼爱凤九,朋友吐槽你也太宠着她了,帝君:她才多大呀!💕#三生三世枕上书 #Eternal Love of Dream#迪丽热巴 #高伟光
凤九被凶兽追杀,帝君赶来护妻,迫不及待脱下衣服!💕#三生三世枕上书 #Eternal Love of Dream#迪丽热巴 #高伟光
【MOVIE】帝君終於得知鳳九是自己的小狐狸,身負重傷救出鳳九,與她廄守終生!|三生三世枕上書 Eternal Love of Dream
😍神仙组合‼️陈晓❌古力娜扎‼️这才是成年人看的爱情剧‼️久别重逢‼️破镜重圆‼️一口气看完甜宠剧《无与伦比的美丽》#都市甜宠 #情感剧 #古力娜扎 #陈晓
Fengjiu and Yanchi Wu whispered close to each other. The emperor was jealous and angry!
🦊鳳九和其他男人走得太近,帝君吃醋竟當夜與她圓房!!!#三生三世枕上书#迪丽热巴#高伟光#高甜电视剧 #中国电视剧
Fengjiu is so happy and can't help showing the fox's tail when she meets the emperor
Fengjiu is so good at cooking that the emperor can't help admire
【ENG】满屋子都是帝君的醋味啊,宴席每个人都有凤九亲手做的糕点就帝君没有! | 三生三世枕上书 Eternal Love of Dream | 剧好看
🦊帝君被凤九的美貌惊艳。直接让她住到自己寝宫,公主气死了| 三生三世枕上书 Eternal Love of Dream
糖醋鱼让凤九再掉马甲!阿离带折颜来要帕子,帝君贴身收藏凤九,耍无赖拿假的应付。🦊Chinese Drama【三生三世枕上书 Eternal Love of Dream】
帝君做的糖醋鱼超难吃,热巴为哄帝君开心,硬是吃光了10盘,小脸都快扭曲了🦊 三生三世枕上书Eternal Love of Dream👧CDramaFangirl👧
Fans sister spring is here! Feng Jiu's sweet and sour fish conquered the emperor
🌷他慌了!凤九含情脉脉叫帝君,主动对他投怀送抱,帝君乖乖顺从,还把她抱回了寝宫【三生三世枕上书Eternal Love of Dream】
The emperor cooked dishes for fengJiu, but did not know it was the calm before the storm
Fengjiu finally met the Emperor, and still secretly thought about it in the evening
三生三世枕上书 花絮
🌷帝君至死都在保护凤九,众仙质问凤九真心,凤九了解真相追悔莫及!【三生三世枕上书Eternal Love of Dream】
大婚當前的帝君鳳九真的太甜蜜啦!一起做糖醋魚、玩捉迷藏、放風箏發糖停不下來 Chinese Drama |三生三世枕上書Eternal Love of Dream|有間甜劇屋