Duration: (19:35) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-10T17:56:20+00:00
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之跟小峰連線時親親脏脏動用恰飯的收入被老婆說教XX give ZZ a lesson when he spend money without telling him
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之脏脏臉皮薄沒老婆在身邊不行吖ZZ has thin skin to say NO, XX is the one to filter the bad thing from him
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之老婆跟發小吃飯也要吃醋的脏脏ZZ keep calling XX to come home when XX is having dinner with his best fd
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之脏脏扮啞巴拒絕被要微信/奶星自豪老攻腰好ZZ act as a dumb If asked for his WeChat. XX know how strong is ZZ
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之小峰發私信給一個1後要他們幫忙解釋Xiaofeng ask for help when he know he send a msg to a top who has wifey
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之壁咚親親 ZhangZhang gives XingXing a wall-smack kiss 😘
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之壁咚play part II - 奶星被老攻耍得團團轉,只能變身猛受硬上了
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之一隻鴨爪引發既慘劇續集the sequel of XingXing’s crying scene due to last duck foot ate by ZhangZhang
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之脏脏吃了最後一隻無骨鴨爪奶星嚎啕大哭,拖鞋都踢飛了XX wails like a baby when he find ZZ eats the last duck foot
「夫夫」星星笑說老攻是賺錢工具等紅綠燈時脏脏只想輕吻但星星來了個舌吻XX joke ZZ is his cash cow ZZ want to peck but XX give him a wet💋
「夫夫」星星叫脏脏爹地撒嬌想吃東西拗女王造型跟脏脏舌吻迎2022年XX call ZZ daddy\u0026post like a Queen to have wet💋with ZZ for yr 2022
「夫夫」脏脏星直播錄屏之吃飽飽的奶星犯困要老公抱著哄睡覺 XX feel sleepy after he Is full, ZZ hug and coax him into sleeping
「夫夫」脏脏星直播錄屏之老公吃光螺螄粉奶星嚎啕大哭吃完要老公抱抱XX cry cuz ZZ ate most of the noodle \u0026 ask for a hug after he finish
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之脏脏問奶星他們愛愛他用力時你為什麼不求求我 ZZ ask why XX didn’t say “pls harder” when they made out
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之奶星被老攻媽媽嫌棄話多脏脏演示老婆如何放屁被老婆暴打ZZ\u0026mom are kidding XX is garrulous, ZZ demonstrate how XX fart
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之被偷拍的奶星像個小胖熊脏脏拿老婆擦腳巾擦嘴XX like a bear in a pix taken by fan ZZ wipe his👄 by XX foottowel
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之親親怪脏脏PK硬推雞爪ZZ hard sell their chicken feet during PK
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之被口噴弄痛奶星哭崩天,老攻用親親安慰XX wail cuz of the mouth freshener, ZZ gave a kiss to comfort him
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之奶星被老攻查酒店的房間自己一個人住酒店太想老攻媽媽都快哭了XX almost cry as he miss hubby \u0026 mom so much
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之玻璃窗前親親,脏脏說星星在愛愛前自己會做好一切準備kiss besides windows, XX will prepare everything b4 having sex
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之玩「我有你沒有」脏脏赖皮狡辯功夫一流 ZZ cheats when they are playing “the thing I have but you don’t have”
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之老攻太受歡迎奶星吃醋老婆露腿脏脏吃醋XX is jealous cuz ZZ is 2 popular;ZZ is jealous cuz ZZ show his thigh
「夫夫」脏脏星直播錄屏之奶星容不得任何人說他老公不好脏脏吃光他的薯片也是會被揍的XX can’t stand any unfriendly voice to ZZ he will fight back
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之PK輸了星星要對脏脏撒嬌5連 XX has to be acting cutesy in 5 ways to ZZ after losing a PK
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之星星子是親親怪無時無刻都想跟老攻親親XX want to kiss his hubby at anytime in anywhere