Duration: (1:9:56) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-23T07:54:43+00:00
決戰! 日軍全軍出擊,國軍戰神在廢墟中,一人殲滅百人!🔥movie
[Full Movie]Japs attack the village,compelling a village woman to become a god of war,decimate them!
【Full Movie】Japanese disguise as National Army, only to be seen through and annihilated on the spot.
【FULL MOVIE】凶残日军的一路追杀,地道战神带领村民反击!#最新电影#大陆电影#动作#战争
國軍趁日軍睡得正熟,摸進他們的戰壕,一舉殲滅 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu | Action
【Full Movie】 Guerrillas ambush a Japanese convoy in the snow, wiping them out with perfect shots.
【Full Movie】Young man storms into Japanese headquarters, killing Japs with exceptional marksmanship.
[Exciting Anti-Japanese Movie]A boy used a bow and arrow to annihilate 1,000 Japanese soldiers.
【Full Movie】Nationalists and Communists join forces to ambush Japanese on the road, wiping them out.
(Anti-Japanese Film) Japanese are transferring prisoners when masters ambush them, wiping them out
【Full Movie】Japanese spy harasses a girl on the street, unaware that she has an expert behind her.
[Special Forces Movie] Japanese General Personally Inspects Bridge,Is Killed by a Special Soldier
Drunk Fist Film:The Mad Beggar Mastering Drunken Fist,Defeating Hundreds of Skilled Japanese Masters
[Full Movie]Japanese Inflicts Extreme Torture on Prisoners, Using a Large Iron Hammer to Beat Them.
Terrorist attack💥Helicopter sniper fires💥Sniper rifle💥Action💥2024 war film💥Tank
A kung fu boy storms a Japanese army prison,defeating 1000 Japanese soldiers.
Japs massacre in village, but a village girl, skilled in water warfare, eliminates Japs.
【Full Movie】Japs massacre in village, but a village girl, skilled in water warfare, eliminates Japs.
過年了,買扇牛排骨做成澆汁牛排,家人老哥們一起啃,真香 | 鄉村食叔
【Full Movie】Japanese Army Fights Back,Only to Fall into a Trap and Be Wiped Out by Eighth Route Army
【抗日電影】日軍偷襲村莊,不料嘎子哥掏出機槍嘎嘎亂射,打的日軍暈頭撞向。 #中國電影 #抗日電影 #抗日神劇 #抗戰電影 #中國功夫 #特種兵 #特工 #功夫 #槍戰 #諜戰
【Full Movie】Japanese spies ambush a convoy, but are discovered and wiped out by Chinese Army.
【Full Movie】A female agent set an ambush along the Japanese route, wiping out an entire battalion.
Anti-Japanese Movie! National Army disguises as Japs, lures them into the city, and destroys them.
【Full Movie】Japanese special forces invade a village,unaware of the traps inside,and are wiped out.
【Full Movie】Japs march arrogantly, but guerrillas are lying in ambush in the valley, wiping them out
薛岳,一代战神,广东韶关人,抗日战争时期歼灭日军最多的将军,长沙保卫战自创天炉战法,共歼灭日军11万7千人,日军军官40余名,倭寇未曾留片甲,英魂据此障长沙。#国军 #薛岳 #抗日