Duration: (26:43) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-28T23:54:54+00:00
Asya Passinsky - An Essentialist Framework for Social Ontology - SO2020
Asya Passinsky — Ameliorative Metaphysics
Cryptocurency: commodity or credit? - Asya Passinky@ 'In conversation' - Phinance
Asya Passinsky - Is Social Construction Grounding?
Social Ontology: The Video Series (teaser)
Lockdown Lectures: Q\u0026A with Asya Pereltsvaig, author of Languages of the World
Coincident Objects and the Grounding Problem
Language \u0026 Social Ontology (John Searle)
'A theory of Social Ontology' - John Searle, 15 June 2015
Meghan Sullivan - Can Moral Theory Affect Deep Ontology?
Amie Thomasson: Easy Ontology and the Work of Metaphysics
Scott Shapiro Keynote Social Ontology Boston 2018
Gary Stevenson on why mainstream economists won't listen
Prof. Tony Lawson on Social Ontology
Applied Ontology - Lecture 1 - Introduction to Ontology
Introduction to Process Philosophy (Intro to PCC lecture 10/24/2017)
Ontology of the social world
Social ontology, metaphysics, and the method of the sculptor - Michaël Bauwens - SO2020
Social Ontology
Arto Laitinen - Three Approaches to Social Ontology: Scientific, Participatory, and Critical
Johnathan Schaffer - Social Construction and Realisms
Aaron Griffith - Correspondence Truth and Social Reality
What is an ontology by ERTMS Solutions
Episode 1: \
Tony Mercer - The social ontology of 12-step recovery - SO2020
Ron Mallon - Metaphysics, Method and Politics, the Case of Race
Kathrin Koslicki \u0026 Olivier Massin - A Plea for Descriptive Social Ontology