Duration: (4:5) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-14T18:18:39+00:00
高级驯夫术~高冷神枪手也太听软萌主播的话了吧!| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter EP37
旧地重游!软萌主播带高冷神枪手回母校追忆曾经的美好时光~| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter EP35
软萌主播哄男友的招数太多了吧,高冷神枪手想不心疼都不行!| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter EP35
高冷神枪手扑倒软萌主播,还把她亲晕了😘!| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter
“我想陪你一起变老”高冷神枪手甜蜜告白,软萌主播笑得合不拢嘴| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter EP35-36
甜蜜大结局!高冷神枪手亲手为软萌主播戴上钻戒向她求婚| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter EP40
He joins the shooting contest with an injury. She cried and cheered for him.| EP27
软萌主播给高冷神枪手送枕头,邀请他晚上来自己房间~| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter EP37
软萌主播失踪,高冷神枪手焦急寻找,相见时将她紧紧抱在怀里不松手| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter EP36
【相声】《人在囧家》金霏解锁“戏精”技能,嫌弃陈曦长得像“黑熊精”活该找不到对象 |《欢乐喜剧人6》Top Funny Comedian S6 EP12【东方卫视官方频道】
江苏卫视2022春节联欢晚会 有被甜到,王浩史策张弛爆笑小品《情感翻译官》 20220201
高冷神枪手突然发脾气,吓坏美女主播,小情侣好虐!💘| clip 你好神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter
非诚勿扰 Part1 “天才商人”来相亲 “同甘不共苦”引热议 150509
高冷神枪手强势护妻,霸气发言:别挑衅我的人!🥰| clip 你好神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter
The two were flirting in class and were named by the teacher, causing everyone to watch
神枪手太帅吸引别的女生,小女友竟然不吃醋,他一怒之下抢了女友的手机公开关系!💘| clip 你好神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter
Hello, the Sharpshooter EP19: Girlfriend wants to see other man's abs? He is jealous and leaves.
Hello, the Sharpshooter EP20: The boy pretends to be motion sick just to be with his girlfriend~
EP20: Sweet official announcement! The cold sharpshooter introduces his girlfriend to teammates.
软萌主播不想打扰训练,高冷神枪手直言:我现在最缺的就是被你打扰!| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter EP39
软萌主播决定暂时放下工作,专心陪伴高冷神枪手| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter EP34
软萌主播与高冷神枪手畅聊未来规划,满满都是爱~| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter EP32
软萌主播一见高冷神枪手就口吃🤣只好偷偷看他的照片练习绕口令| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter
EP30预告:学会骗吻招数的高冷神枪手太会了,软萌主播直接被亲懵!| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter
Hu Yitian asked Xing Fei for a kiss for encouragement, and took a sweet photo together~EP28
男友不理人怎么办?软萌主播只好把他扑倒在沙发上热吻| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter EP35
高冷神枪手失踪!软萌主播焦急难过,找人时竟出现了幻觉!!| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter EP34
After hearing his answer, she decided never to meet again!| Hu Yi Tian, Xing Fei |KUKAN Drama
软萌主播提醒神枪手,却被高冷神枪手当作陌生人无视| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter EP33
软萌主播终于找到高冷神枪手,却被他拒之门外?| 胡一天 邢菲 | 你好,神枪手 Hello, the Sharpshooter EP34