Duration: (12:35) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-26T05:52:28+00:00
「夫夫」他們回濟南玩星星以為有人說脏脏立馬護夫they travel to Jinan XX came to ZZ at once when he think sb say sth bad to ZZ
「夫夫」脏脏直播錄屏之到濟南第一晚直播星星說他莫名興奮脏脏說他欠操XX felt so excited when they are in Jinan cuz he eager ZZ so much
「夫夫」他們在1月1日和好啦星星說脏脏下了血本求和整晚笑得甜死人they are finally go back together on 1 Jan 2023 best NY gift ever
「夫夫」他們是連體嬰星星離不開脏脏媽媽說只要孩子幸福就好XX can’t live without ZZ as they are conjoined twin Mom just want them😊
「夫夫」星星有推拿證3姨舉杯歡迎星星脏脏叫上菜星星以為他跟人打架立馬衝出去脏脏讀博得痔瘡ZZ got hemorrhoid XX run out when he🤔ZZ fight with👨🍳
「夫夫」星星說他們4天愛愛了5次他的屁屁受傷了脏脏被罰被星星的腳打臉10次XX say they had sex 5 times in 4 days ZZ is punished by XX🦶
「夫夫」脏脏打錯牌被80歲姥姥凶脏脏回家墊3厘米鞋墊他們愛愛前星星先洗他們也會不戴套ZZ add 3cm insole on his👟they may not use condom sometime
「夫夫」脏脏健身有成星星覺得脏脏故意氣他整晚睡不著脏脏繼續讀博士只為完成心愿ZZ gain weight\u0026build muscle ZZ wish to continue doctor degree
「夫夫」脏脏的行動比情話更讓星星感動星星說他變帥是因為跟他們呆久了XX feel more touching for ZZ’s action rather than his sweet word
【解释鸿沟】第5集:我看见了火流星(下)| Explanatory Gap | 腾讯视频 - 纪录片
「夫夫」星星叫脏脏爹地撒嬌想吃東西拗女王造型跟脏脏舌吻迎2022年XX call ZZ daddy\u0026post like a Queen to have wet💋with ZZ for yr 2022
「夫夫」脏脏增肌6天沒愛愛他成星星財產第一繼承人但終身不娶還得把星星頭像紋在胸前no sex for 6 day to build💪🏻 ZZ can be🥇heir of XX property
「夫夫」媽媽快回家他們給媽媽餞行星星越來越自信值得脏脏的愛mom will go🏠soon XX become more \u0026 more confident he deserve ZZ’s love
「夫夫」脏脏新髮型太帥星星渾身發熱星星說他很快樂不想反攻說對方最害怕的事XX feel so🥵for ZZ new 💇♂️XX dont want to be 1as he is so😊now
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之壁咚親親 ZhangZhang gives XingXing a wall-smack kiss 😘
「夫夫」脏脏說有些1都不如星星爺們脏脏說這一輩子都不會離開星星不會讓他輸ZZ say XX look really like a top He will stay with XX forever
DongJiaYao × ZhangZheChen [董佳耀×张哲琛] — (3) KISSES
「夫夫」奶星找手機找到褲襠裡?脏脏說奶星只穿内褲時像春麗XX find his📱fm ZZ’s crotch?ZZ say XX look like ChunLi when only wear🩲
「夫夫」玩成語接龍脏說他跟媽是一體星說脏跟他才是一體媽成了他們外援when they play game ZZ say he\u0026mum is 1 team but XX say XZ is 1 team
「夫夫」昨晚吵完架脏脏送玫瑰花還來酒店過2人世界星星說他們剛見面時他就有預感脏脏會親他they spend a night in🏨 XX feel they will💋in 1st dating
「夫夫」他們都說被對方傳染感冒星星開玩笑他鼻子是脏脏打的they both say they got🤧fm each other XX just kidding his👃is hit by ZZ
「夫夫」脏脏給星星的承諾「陪星星回家」「陪星星一輩子」星星說甜言蜜語當禮物ZZ promise to be with XX forever XX speak sweet word as gifts
「夫夫」他們去酒吧很多gay跟脏脏搭訕脏脏說要給星星按摩但得脫光衣服lots of gay ask for ZZ’s WeChat when they are in a bar
「夫夫」脏脏說他們感情不受外人影響他們收入全都綁定星星銀行卡ZZ say no one can influence their relationship XX control their income
「夫夫」睡覺蓋2床被子脏脏說星星身比較厚把被子撐起they cover 2 blanket XX feel 2 heavy XX is hunky to share the weight for ZZ
「夫夫」脏脏真性情容易得罪人只有星星能治他外出他們還是會牽手ZZ is easy to get in dutch with sb they are still🤚in🤚 when hang out
「夫夫」脏脏家人都很支持他和星星他們相互對對方深情表白ZZ family support he\u0026XX they confess to each other fm their deepest ❤️
「夫夫」脏脏眼睛有小顆粒以為得了什麼大病星星獨自回徐州退房坐地鐵回家只因地鐵多帥哥XX go home by metro 4 enjoying handsome guy when back fm SS
「夫夫」脏脏做事顧慮太多變畏首畏尾星星說這不是他目中自信的哥哥脏脏跟星星在一起身體變好ZZ give too much pressure to himself when they run a shop