Duration: (2:10) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-12T01:26:11+00:00
EP45 超甜大结局!侯爷教十一娘弹琴,腹黑十一:我不会我装的!【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】
EP45 Clip 大结局好甜!侯爷手把手教十一娘抚琴,不愧是宠妻第一名!【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】
ENG SUB [The Sword and The Brocade] EP45——Starring: Wallace Chung, Seven Tan
EP45 体面夫妇圆满大结局!徐令宜十一娘真的是双向奔赴的恋爱!【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】
EP45 大结局!十一娘怀孕了!大难不死必有后福,体面夫妇圆满了!【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】
EP45 Clip 十一娘被赦免后得知自己怀孕!侯爷十一共渡难关含泪深情拥抱【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】
Ending!Shiyi gives birth to a daughter for Marquis,they are finally happy together
EP45 Clip 泪目!徐太夫人刑场霸气护儿媳!十一娘含泪感谢婆婆淡定赴死【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】
EP45 Ending Clip 大结局!全家和睦其乐融融,十一娘被封为一品诰命夫人【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】
終於圓房!十一娘為獲得王爺原諒雨中罰跪,王爺心疼不已,把她抱回房間狠狠佔有! #錦心似玉 #鐘漢良 #譚松韻 #電視劇#愛情
【Moive】💋心機小妾欲殺害灰姑娘,侯爺直接一腳踹進她的心窩,當眾休了她!#谭松韵 #钟汉良
Zhunge complained about marquis: Dad was too timid to sleep without holding mom,so cute!
Shiyi was recognized by Zhunge and the Marquis loved Shiyi more and more
💝新婚当晚灰姑娘主动献出处女身,王爷立马和她激情圆房 | 锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade #谭松韵 #钟汉良
Shiyi is more dependent on the marquis after consummating their marriage
Shiyi returns safely, the evil concubine's plot fails and is very scared
【Moive】💋灰姑娘催促侯爷,让他晚上离开自己的闺房,侯爷心中暗自生气#谭松韵 #钟汉良
十一娘点破心机小妾阴谋,五夫人怒扇心机女,霸气怒怼句句扎心,太解气!💕【锦心似玉 the sword and the brocade】
EP45 泪目!徐太夫人携全家劫法场救儿媳!十一娘忍不住哭了!【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】
EP45 Clip 区家结局悲惨被满门抄斩,区公子在狱中释怀祝福侯爷十一娘【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】
EP45 Clip 侯爷想救十一娘却遭百般阻挠,区彦行陷入两难境地但最后还是选择了正义!【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】
EP45 大结局预告 Trailer 十一娘要被处斩?徐家上下极力维护令人泪目!【锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade】
Happy ending!Marquis finally realize his mistake and tapologize to the wronged concubine
💝圆满大结局!侯爷终于有了属于和十一娘的孩子,两人甜蜜共度余生| 锦心似玉 The Sword and The Brocade #谭松韵 #钟汉良
Happy ending!The lord romantically teach his wife to play the piano
锦心夫妇😂原来这就是暖暖说的看你怎么办 哈哈哈 徐令宜你可不可以不要这么怂😆#钟汉良 #锦心似玉 #谭松韵