Duration: (13:55) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-21T14:36:59+00:00
2021_1215 |【早安佛光】:善哉善哉 So righteous!
2024_1103 |【早安佛光】:藥師經與藥師寶懺 The Medicine Buddha Sutra and the Medicine Buddha Repentance Liturgy
2021_1224|【早安佛光】:消業 vs 祈福 Removing karmic hindrances vs. praying for good fortune
2025_0218 |【早安佛光】:禪淨獻燈功德深
2021_1130 |【早安佛光】:寶橋渡佛 The Buddha crosses the jewelled bridge
2021_1212 |【早安佛光】:菩薩道上必修功課 The 'must-learn' lesson for cultivating the Bodhisattva Path
2021_1202 |【早安佛光】:佛光卡 vs 會員證 Fo Guang Card vs BLIA membership card
佛光山梵唄 《藥師灌頂真言》一人一天108遍 至心誦持藥師咒~回向給眾生皆能健康平安~幫自己也幫家人祈福
2025_0121 |【早安佛光】:點光明燈算有所求嗎?Would making a light offering be considered as asking for something?
#獨家 母烙話「林岱樺只缺選票.不缺錢」 控政治打壓|TVBS新聞 @TVBSNEWS01
陳曉陳妍希徹底離婚,沒想到二胎對一個家庭的影響這麼大!兩人離婚竟是因為孩子? #觀復嘟嘟 #馬未都 #圆桌派
2022_0106 |【早安佛光】:經典故事1:連續罣礙 Classic Buddhist stories 1: perpetual rumination
2021_1127 |【早安佛光】:不聽話 Why aren’t you listening?
2021_1219|【早安佛光】:念佛心安 Reciting Buddha’s name for a peace of mind
2022_0107 |【早安佛光】:佛陀的本懷 The original intent of the Buddha
2022_0503 |【早安佛光】: 善哉解脫服 The great robe of liberation
2024_1104 |【早安佛光】:藥師經裡的醫學 The medicine in the Medicine Buddha Sutra
2024_1214 |【早安佛光】:念佛要領 Key points to chanting Buddha's name
2021_1230 |【早安佛光】:食存五觀 Observing the five contemplations during mealtime
2025_0212 |【早安佛光】:化思念為力量Turning memories into strength
2025_0205 |【早安佛光】:請法護法之恩Gratitude for Dharma seekers and protectors
2021_1223|【早安佛光】:拒收的禮物 A rejected gift
2024_1126 |【早安佛光】:一卡一證 四原則 One card, One badge, Four principles.
2024_1231 |【早安佛光】:阿賴耶識何時入胎 When does the alaya consciousness enter the fetus?
2024_1202 |【早安佛光】:師父的筆墨情懷 The Venerble's passion for art of calligraphy
2024_1216 |【早安佛光】:同願往西方 Shared aspirations to enter the Western Pure Land