Duration: (3:8) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-10T14:29:41+00:00
把五花肉放鍋裡蒸一蒸,出鍋就是美食,從沒看過這做法,太香了 Steam the pork belly in a pot and turn it into a special delicacy
万万没想到把「五花肉」放进锅里「蒸一蒸」出锅瞬间变成一道美食#五花肉 #五花肉新吃法 #家常菜 #美食 #cooking #delicious #food #美食教程 #中国菜 #下饭菜
把五花肉放锅里蒸一蒸,出锅就是一道酒店排队都想吃的招牌菜#五花肉 #delicious #cooking #nicefood #chinesefood
五花肉放進鍋裏面三十分鐘,出鍋便是一道非常經典的美食,且做法非常的簡單!吃起來非常的過癮!#家常菜 #like #cooking #美食 #delicious #烹飪
Soak pork directly in soy sauce for 2 days, the taste is more fragrant than bacon,
The most delicious new way to eat pork belly, no frying, no deep-frying, no braised, it melts in you
把雞肉放進鍋裏蒸壹蒸,出鍋就是壹道硬菜,皮脆肉香,鮮嫩多汁!#like #cooking #food #美食教程 #delicious
Put the pork belly in a pot and steam it, it will be fat but not greasy, thin but not firewood
Steam the chicken legs in a pot, and it will become a signature dish in no time! This is the first
【米浆发糕】蒸熟后发到五朵花!千万不要错过这个视频!How to use wet-milled rice flour to make Chinese Steamed Rice Cupcake.
我是萬萬沒想到,把五花肉放鍋裏蒸一蒸出鍋,瞬間變成一道經典美食,真是長見識了 #家常菜 #五花肉 #梅幹菜燒肉 #美食 #下飯菜
把「五花肉」放锅里「蒸一蒸」出锅瞬间就是一道经典美食,软烂入味,肥而不腻#五花肉 #五花肉新吃法 #家常菜 #美食教程 #delicious #food #美食 #cooking #中国菜 #下饭菜
我是萬萬沒想到,把五花肉放鍋里蒸一蒸,出鍋瞬間變成一道經典美食,相信很多人都沒見過,更沒有吃過 #美食分享 #中華美食 #美食教程 #家常菜 #美食做法 #美食 #媽呀太香了
Put the pork belly and steam it in a pot. It is really fragrant. It is a big hard dish on the table
Put the pork belly in the pot and steam it for a while, and it will become delicious in an instant.
I never dreamed that the pork belly would be steamed in a pan, and it would become a delicacy
把五花肉放锅里蒸一蒸,出锅瞬间就是一道大人小孩都喜欢的美食,我们来看看是怎么做的吧#五花肉的神仙吃法 #五花肉 #amthuctrunghoa888 #家常美食 #美食教程 #美食推荐 #美食
把五花肉放锅里蒸一蒸,真是太厉害了,38年酒店大厨的拿手绝活,老香了!#like #美食教程 #美食 #美食分享 #家常菜