Duration: (1:26) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-21T15:09:04+00:00
《Hearthstone verification》Draw cards are instantly discarded
《Hearthstone verification》Dr. Boom, Mad Genius Hero Power test
《Hearthstone verification》Master Chest voice ?
《Hearthstone verification》1/1 Lord Jaraxxus ?
《Hearthstone verification》Werewolf System
《Hearthstone verification》Betrayal vs. Attack special effects
《Hearthstone verification》The maximum number of secrets ?
《Hearthstone verification》Chameleos vs. Flobbidinous Floop
【爐石】【精彩比賽】恭喜Tom60229得到世界冠軍! 讓二追三感動到要哭了,為台灣奪下一座冠軍!!
《COMBO》Full field Master Chest 《Hearthstone》
Witchwood Shaw vs. Glinda Crowskin
《COMBO》Varian Wrynn + Dead Man's Hand 《Hearthstone》
《Hearthstone theater》ALL WitchWood Legendary Animations
《OTK》Treachery + Ratcatcher OTK 《Hearthstone》
《OTK》Rat Pack + Scavenging Hyena OTK《Hearthstone》
《Hearthstone verification》Myra's Unstable Element + Corrupted Blood = Infinite loop ?
《Hearthstone theater》Millhouse Turn 1 Kill
《Hearthstone verification》2 Billion C'Thun vs. 2 Billion Armor ?
《Hearthstone verification》Diamond Spellstone vs. Sheep \u0026 Chicken
《Hearthstone verification》The Amazing Reno V.S Mass Resurrection
《Hearthstone verification》Unlimited Knife Juggler vs. 100 Armors warrior
《Hearthstone verification》23 Nozdormu Sand effect
《Hearthstone verification》Dirty Rat + Lord Jaraxxus (After buff)
《Hearthstone verification》Lord Godfrey Battlecry Maximum number of times
《Hearthstone verification》Unstable Evolution vs. Dead Man's Hand
《Hearthstone verification》MARIN THE FOX and MASTER CHEST
《Hearthstone verification》Dart Trap vs. 4 Horseman
《Hearthstone verification》Discover Ambushes ?
《Hearthstone verification》Azalina Soulthief copy Buff ?