Duration: (37) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-13T20:13:31+00:00
企鵝妹在街頭跳了11下企鵝舞 旁邊的德國人黑人問號 Jinny danced 11 penguin dances on the street, next to the German black que
企鵝妹在路邊跳企鵝舞 越南人黑人問號 Jinny dances penguin dance on the roadside, Vietnamese black people question mark
企鵝妹在日本博覽會場跳企鵝舞 觀光客黑人問號 Jinny dances the penguin dance at the Japan Expo, and black tourists ask ques
企鵝妹跟Yuggie在曼谷街頭尬舞 路人黑人問號 Jinny and Yuggie dance on the streets of Bangkok, passers by black questio
企鵝妹在小吃店跳企鵝舞 客人跟老闆都黑人問號 Jinny dances the penguin dance in the snack bar Both the customers and the b
企鵝妹拿高爾夫球跳企鵝舞 澳洲人黑人問號 Jinny dances penguin dance with golf ball, Australian black people question mar
日舞團Avantgardey惹火香港人 網友:科目三毁了全世界|👍小編推新聞20240216
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企鵝妹遭黑衣男尾隨! 南韓正妹網紅徒步還台 黑衣男子蒙面跟蹤4小時 企鵝妹急報案 男飆罵髒話辱警遭逮|記者 羅珮瑜 林俊華|【LIVE大現場】20230426|三立新聞台
人氣太夯也引亂象! 企鵝妹光顧牛排館撲空 粉絲竟上網惡意刷負評 另有粉絲為合照亂臨停 企鵝妹罕見婉拒直言: 注意安全│記者 夏邦明 王翊軒│【LIVE大現場】20230502│三立新聞台
【网络首播】|《疯狂晕动会》第七集:🎉 狂!节目被Penang Lang 玩疯了|Jestinna 当面爆 MsKuan 喜欢的对象 😍|他的带SAI能力360度翻转游戏结局 😂|
Chinese iron flower making, Yangko dance, stilt walking, lion and dragon dance, lantern festival❗️
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企鵝妹在街頭跳企鵝舞 波蘭人黑人問號 Jinny dancing penguin dance on the street Polish black question mark
企鵝妹在沙灘上跳企鵝舞 法國人黑人問號 Jinny dancing penguin dance on the beach French black question mark
企鵝妹在餐廳門口跳企鵝舞 客人黑人問號 Jinny dances the penguin dance at the entrance of the restaurant
企鵝妹在賭場跳企鵝舞 賭客黑人問號 Jinny dances penguin dance in casino, black gambler questions
企鵝妹在百貨公司跳企鵝舞 奶奶黑人問號 Jinny dancing penguin dance in department store Grandma black question mark
企鵝妹在鐵路旁跳企鵝舞 越南人黑人問號 Jinny dancing penguin dance beside the railway, Vietnamese black question mark
企鵝妹在水壩廣場跳企鵝舞 荷蘭警察黑人問號 Jinny dancing penguin dance in the square Dutch police black question mark
企鵝妹在德國路邊做棒式2分鐘 過路人看到黑人問號 Jinny did stick pose on the side of the road in Germany for 2 minutes, pas
企鵝妹在店裡跳大冰奶舞 老闆黑人問號 Jinny dances big ice milk dance in the store, the black boss asks questions
企鵝妹在壽司店跳企鵝舞 客人黑人問號 Jinny dances penguin dance at sushi restaurant
企鵝妹在超市門口跳企鵝舞 深蹲 伏地挺身 路人看到都黑人問號 Jinny danced the penguin dance at the entrance of the supermarket, s
企鵝妹跟搬運超人說中文的謝謝 法國人黑人問號 Thank you Jinny for speaking Chinese with Superman, the French black questio
企鵝妹又再跟粉絲們跳企鵝舞 好high阿 Jinny dances the penguin dance with fans again, so high
企鵝妹在路邊做瑜珈 澳洲人黑人問號 Jinny doing yoga on the roadside, Australian black people question mark