Duration: (4:33) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-12T15:25:22+00:00
榮濱楼で鶏丁会飯(トリニク丼) Having stir-fried Chicken sauce rice bowl at the Chinese restaurant Eihinro Honmoku
榮濱楼で鶏丁炒麺(トリヤキソバ)Having Stir-fried Noodles with chicken at the Chinese restaurant Eihinro Honmoku
榮濱楼で炒鶏丁(トリウマニ)Chinese restaurant Yokohama Honmoku Eihinro Stir-fried chicken meat with Starchy Sauce
榮濱楼で鶏丁炒麺(トリヤキソバ)② Having Stir-fried Noodles with chicken at the Chinese restaurant Eihinro Honmoku
榮濱楼で大盛珈哩会飯(大盛カレー丼)Having Large size Curry Umani with starchy sauce Rice Bowl at Eihinro Honmoku
榮濱楼で酸辣鶏丁(トリの辛酢イタメ) Yokohama Eihinro (Stir-fried chicken meat with Starchy hot and sour sauce)
榮濱楼で肉片会飯(ニク丼) Chinese restaurant Yokohama Honmoku Eihinro (Meat Umani with starchy sauce Rice Bowl )
榮濱楼で大盛鶏丁炒麺(大盛トリヤキソバ) Having Large size Stir-fried Noodles with chicken at Chinese restaurant Eihinro
榮濱楼で珈哩鶏丁(鶏のカレー風味)Yokohama Honmoku Eihinro (Stir-fried chicken meat with Starchy Curry Sauce)
牛丼!唐揚げ!常連が殺到するガツ盛り洋食屋が凄すぎる丨Japanese Good Old Diner
【町中華①】下北沢の老舗中華料理店「珉亭 (みんてい)」にて赤いチャーハン・ラーメン・餃子を一気に食す!【IKKO'S FILMS】【品川イッコー】町中華 / 街中華
天界の住宅地を歩く 横浜本牧(神奈川県)/海食崖上にそびえる天界の住宅地
【海南鶏飯】銀座やまの辺 山野辺シェフが作る自宅でカンタン♪本格中華クッキング
【四川料理歴40年!宮保鶏丁の作り方】四川省成都五つ星ホテル錦江賓館の料理人がつくる「ピーナッツと鶏のピリ辛炒め」 Kung Pao chicken
【朝メシお散歩シリーズ】波止場食堂 濱店【焼鮭定食+生卵】横浜 本牧ふ頭
夏の味覚!郡上鮎のムニエル|センタラグランドホテル大阪 33F| 燻製キッチン|【岐阜県フェア開催中】
【芽菜肉飯】パワーミナギルマジ美味いまかないメシはコレだ! ヤーツァイルーファン braised cubed pork with yacai.
榮濱楼で鳥の豆板炒め定食 Yokohama Eihinro (Stir-fried chicken meat with Starchy hot sauce)
榮濱楼で咖喱会飯(カレー丼) Having Curry Umani with starchy sauce Rice Bowl at Eihinro, a Chinese restaurant
榮濱楼で炒什景(ゴモクウマニ)(小)+ライス Chinese restaurant Yokohama Honmoku Eihinro (Mixed Umani with starchy sauce)
榮濱楼で紅焼扣肉(肉のヤワムシ) Chinese Braised pork at Chinese restaurant Eihinro in Honmoku, Yokohama.
榮濱楼で扣肉会飯(ヤワニク丼) Chinese Braised pork Rice Bowl at Chinese restaurant Eihinro in Honmoku, Yokohama.
榮濱楼で豚挽会飯(豚ヒキ丼)Having stir-fried minced pork sauce rice bowl at the Chinese restaurant Eihinro
榮濱楼でBランチ(炒肉片 肉ウマニ)Having B Lunch Set ( Meat Umani with starchy sauce ) at the Eihinro
榮濱楼で炒肉片(肉ウマニ)(小)+ライス Chinese restaurant Yokohama Honmoku Eihinro (Meat Umani with starchy sauce)
榮濱楼でDランチ(扣肉 肉のヤワムシ)Having D Lunch Set (Chinese Braised pork) at the Chinese restaurant Eihinro
榮濱楼で什景麺(ゴモクソバ)Having Seafood vegetable roasted pork fillet Shio Ramen at the Eihinro Honmoku
榮濱楼で什景芙蓉(海鮮タマゴ)Having Seafood omelet with starchy sauce at Chinese restaurant Eihinro Honmoku