Duration: (8:52) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-07T08:48:30+00:00
【搶先看】夜曇被魔王抓走生命危在旦夕,神君霸氣現身救妻,一舉擊退魔族【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
【搶先看】夜曇意外遇襲被擊昏在地,帝君突然出現霸氣救妻,用火逼退敵人【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
Hearing Ye Tan is in danger,emperor finally realize the importance of her and protect her.
The Demon seal in Yetan’s body woke up in order to save sister.and fight with emperor.
【搶先看】夜曇被沉淵王后抓走險些喪命, 神君的三個神識終於合體,神君復活霸氣救妻!【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
【搶先看】神君的神識都沖出來救夜曇,發現彼此的存在後都驚呆了,夜曇一臉慌張不知怎麼解釋【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
【搶先看】夜曇身份暴露被魔族追殺,神鳥慢慢為了保護夜曇身死,夜曇哭的撕心裂肺【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
【搶先看】神君不願與夜曇為敵選擇獻祭自己,夜曇看著神君神識消散傷心欲絕【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
【搶先看】重聚!夜曇終於再次見到化身火妖的神君,喜極而泣,哭著抱住了他【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
【搶先看】霸道仙君為了夜曇和整個天界為敵,身受重傷也要帶她離開,夜曇終於明白他有多愛她【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
emperor jealously held Ye Tan in his arms when she ran out with not properly dressed.
【搶先看】夜曇被失憶的帝君無情地拒之門外,她的眼淚喚醒了他記憶深處的愛【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
Three emperors are reunited!Demon finally felt afraid, but they kidnap Yetan!
emperor finally confessed to Yetan that “I love you”,she cried and can't wait to kiss him.
Ye Tan Qing Kui activates the blood of twin flowers, bursting out powerful mana to repel the demons!
【搶先看】神君重傷被困在沉淵結界陷入昏迷,夜曇覺醒神花血脈沖上天去救他【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
The late arrival of Yetan caused emperor fall into fire. She sacrificed herself to save him.
【搶先看】夜曇深情表白神君並主動親吻他,神君終於不再壓抑自己的愛,熱情回吻她【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
【搶先看】夜曇徹底黑化成魔,攻上天庭找天帝報仇,神君卻不願出手傷害她【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
【搶先看】神君為了保護夜曇,故意在天帝面前假裝自己忘記了人間所有的事情,夜曇傷心欲絕【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
emperor returns to throne!Seeing Yetan was in a coma, he angrily fought against Demon.
The devil's mark in Yetan was accidentally exposed.emperor suddenly appeared to protect her!
to save emperor, Yetan is dying.emperor's divine power suddenly awakens and protect her.
【搶先看】神君惹怒夜曇被夜曇故意無視,他頓時急了,抱著夜曇用親吻和她道歉【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
【搶先看】夜曇和侍女一起想偷溜下界,神君得知頓時慌了,親自抓小嬌妻回家【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
【搶先看】神君終於向夜曇說出“我愛你”,坦白自己早就已經愛上了她,兩人含淚擁吻對方【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
Real identities of sisters are exposed!Demon mark in Yetan was awakened and lost her memory.
Yetan betrayed Demons and was punished for dying.emperor save her but lost all his power.
【搶先看】神君為了保護天下蒼生決定獻祭自己修補結界,夜曇瘋了一樣沖出來要阻止神君跳下去【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
【搶先看】夜曇為保護三個神識被魔後打傷,三個神識終於合體,神君復活歸來一招擊退沉淵族【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】