Duration: (3:14) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-26T14:19:34+00:00
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之老人廣場舞決戰ZZ \u0026 XX battle dancing, only for elderly public square dancing
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之脏脏謎之飯量婆婆把星星養得更強壯ZZ eat like a bird XX will be stronger as mom will take good care of him
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之老婆跟發小吃飯也要吃醋的脏脏ZZ keep calling XX to come home when XX is having dinner with his best fd
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之脏脏早上在床上掉了几根毛呢 how many body hair of ZZ fell on the bed in the morning
「夫夫」脏脏星真播錄屏之下播前再一次舌吻 tongue kiss again before off the broadcast
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之脏脏吃了最後一隻無骨鴨爪奶星嚎啕大哭,拖鞋都踢飛了XX wails like a baby when he find ZZ eats the last duck foot
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之脏脏因為小弟弟太大進澡堂被注目,老婆被搓澡工搓灰還吃醋ZZ got lots of attention in bathhouse due to his big size
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之一隻鴨爪引發既慘劇續集the sequel of XingXing’s crying scene due to last duck foot ate by ZhangZhang
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之奶星輸了遊戲哭著撒嬌讓老攻代他受懲罰 XingXing doesn’t want to be punished while lost in game
DongJiaYao × ZhangZheChen [董佳耀×张哲琛] — (3) KISSES
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之脏脏臉皮薄沒老婆在身邊不行吖ZZ has thin skin to say NO, XX is the one to filter the bad thing from him
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之星星子受傷的腳趾頭被老攻連環碰痛ZZ hurt XX’s injured toe unintentionally
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之第一次和脏脏過中秋節星星子想家以後脏脏就是他的家XX Is homesick in the 1st Mid Autumn festival ZZ is his home now
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之星星子是親親怪無時無刻都想跟老攻親親XX want to kiss his hubby at anytime in anywhere
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之親親時奶星不想著把肥肉傳給老攻光顧著享受XX too enjoy kissing ZZ, forget to imagine to transfer the fat to ZZ
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之脏脏不想愛愛奶星幫老公按摩了几下就睡了ZZ had no mood to have sex XX fell in sleep when gave a message to ZZ
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之與其陪著小孩長大不如陪富婆說說心裡話ZZ joke he chose a richman XX instead of accompanying a kid to grow up
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之脏脏用絕招口臭攻擊把愛賴床的奶星叫起床 ZZ wake up XX by his powerful weapon “bad breath”
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之奶星被老攻逼到害羞了 / XingXing feels shy when ZhangZhang keeps looking at him
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之纏纏綿綿又粘粘糊糊的星星子 XX show his full of love to ZZ without reservations
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之玩「我有你沒有」脏脏赖皮狡辯功夫一流 ZZ cheats when they are playing “the thing I have but you don’t have”
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之健身達人的奶星居然還會散手,擒拿術|誰也不能傷害我老攻|手舉50kgs的啞鈴 vs 空杆