Duration: (12:44) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-26T06:07:25+00:00
「夫夫」脏脏早上起床都會啍啍唧唧撒嬌要抱抱親親星星表演一人扮馬一人拍馬ZZ always ask for hug\u0026kiss fm XX b4 get up XX show horse riding
「夫夫」他們是連體嬰星星離不開脏脏媽媽說只要孩子幸福就好XX can’t live without ZZ as they are conjoined twin Mom just want them😊
「夫夫」星星有做1的衝動但脏脏不會為愛做0也不接受互攻睡覺不敢只穿🩲XX would like to be 1 recently but ZZ won’t accept to be 0
「夫夫」星星愛上了赶海開心得像個孩子星星鼓起勇氣脫下口罩下播前唱「星辰」「星空剪影」星星快哭了XX feel so touching when they sing their song
「夫夫」脏脏喝多變身脏懟懟又愛對星星撒嬌索吻還爆出星星因為沒灌好而放棄愛愛drunk ZZ love hug\u0026kiss XX\u0026he tell a secret but got a slap fm XX
「夫夫」星星聽別人肚子被脏脏捉住命根子星星太攻現在親嘴脏脏得閉眼星星以前被人騙財騙色XX is too man ZZ close👀 when 💋 XX was deceived by EX
「夫夫」星星吃飽飯拉完粑粑正式跳操脏脏小氣用手擋著怕別人看到小星星it is the 1st Time XX does exercise in front of camera
「夫夫」星星耳洞是初戀女友帶去打星星說好色是脏脏其中一缺點XX got pierced ears cuz of his 1st love XX tell ZZ’s 3 shortcomings
「夫夫」脏脏說只要遇到對的人就會變得好看他們當初貨只為能給星星免費吃還能順便賺錢ZZ say people will become better when met the right person
When You’re Underestimated, Remember These Words | Mind Space 0505 | 2024
小品《操心的刚子》 孙涛牵线为黄杨介绍对象,笑得我腮帮子都疼
「夫夫」脏脏說有些1都不如星星爺們脏脏說這一輩子都不會離開星星不會讓他輸ZZ say XX look really like a top He will stay with XX forever
「夫夫」星星向粉絲炫耀平安夜有男朋友可以愛愛為了吃秒下淚還吟詩作對XX show off he has bf in Christmas Eve XX😢\u0026make poem just for food
「夫夫」卧推120的星星用礦泉水桶做負重深蹲最後2人的眼神太纏綿了XX use big bottled water to do squat Full of love fm their eyes
Xing Xing and Zhang zhang 2
「夫夫」媽媽打算明年回老家自己做小生意星星說他手胖是招財mom gonna back to hometown next yr\u0026open a shop XX is good at bringing💰
「夫夫」被舉報直播3上3下星星吃光整個冰淇淋🎂their live is reported\u0026reopened the live 3 times XX eat the whole icecream🎂
「夫夫」星星宣誓今年不惹哭脏脏星星說走狗屎運找到這麼帥還好欺負的老公XX swear he won’t make ZZ cry this yr XX spend all luck to meet ZZ
「夫夫」脏脏教星星如何放屁不響脏脏從小被表姐保護不被欺負ZZ teach XX how to fart without sound ZZ is protected by his cousin
「夫夫」星星屁股蛋會用磨砂膏脏脏怕星星在他們愛愛完洗涼水對身體不好XX only use scrub on his hip ZZ worry cold water isn’t good to XX
「夫夫」脏脏捉準每一個機會推銷自己PK贏了但也現場做了個失敗的翻跟斗ZZ seize every chance to hard sell himself ZZ play a fail tumble
「夫夫」脏脏讀書星星考普拉提教師証脏脏吃參片為夜生活做準備XX will get pilate cert while ZZ back to🏫ZZ eat ginseng for night life
貓咪躺在主人腿上 舉著小鴨子玩耍 後腳還在開心得晃悠 #shorts #萌宠
「夫夫」他們決定先不做咖啡店脏脏是法人脏脏希星星能活得自私點性格強硬點their shop is firmed but not for a cafe ZZ is the owner
高晓松┃晓得┃093┃大紧和他的人格智慧(二):天塌下来也就是片儿纸 #晓得 #矮大紧 #晓说 #晓松奇谈 #矮大紧指北
「夫夫」脏脏星考古錄屏之星星子第一次漂染奶奶灰頭髮在微博第一次直播 XXs new hair colour “granny grey” \u0026 1st live in Weibo on 21/09/20