Duration: (22:24) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-28T07:43:04+00:00
中國於技術上不可能制止有立陶宛零件貨品入口 歐盟關稅同盟貨品一向自由行動 搞零件逐件計報關 中國因維吾爾問題會大鑊過立陶宛好多 黃世澤幾分鐘評論 20211224
Trump replaces income tax with tariffs, will he test his skills with European allies first?
中国推优化消费环境三年行动方案 专家:治标不治本 难以扭转消费疲弱
China has built a new $3.5bn megaport in Peru: Why is it facing pushback? | DW Business
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Trump's 25% tariffs shocked the world. Is the international trading system coming to an end?
歐美擬對中國鋼鋁加稅? 中國外交部回應反對 @globalnewstw
福建石材人如何靠散装英语签海外大单?国际采购商为啥爱来中国谈生意?| CCTV「焦点访谈」20250225
Could Tariffs and Trade Changes Under Trump Reshape the Global Economy?
川普關稅新政!3月4日重稅加.墨 全球對等關稅4月登場|#寰宇新聞 @globalnewstw
【圖文說新聞】解放軍艦艇數下水餃式增長 專家憂心美軍替補能量不足|TVBS新聞@internationalNewsplus
U.S. Imposition of Tariffs on China Disrupts Global Value Chains: Experts
頻傳中國竊取各國晶片技術 余大㵢:贊同美國相關管制措施|20240208 公視中晝新聞
'Landmark' Court Ruling Blocks European Extradition to China | VOANews
US Treasury removes designation of China as currency manipulator
US To Restrict Investment In Nations Posing Security Threat
U.S. Needs Coordinated, Multi-Lateral Approach to China: Locke