Duration: (8:10) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-09T22:11:14+00:00
🦊心机女出言侮辱灰姑娘,霸总护妻一句话骂得她哑口无言!|狐狸的夏天 The Fox's Summer🍨撒糖LIVESweetLIVE🍨
CEO misunderstood Cinderella and was scolded to speechless by her
Ex's grandmother rushed to scold Cinderella,CEO finally got angry|41
🦊霸总知道自己误会灰姑娘后,送给她一桌子的化妆品和手机补偿她!|狐狸的夏天 The Fox's Summer🍨撒糖LIVESweetLIVE🍨
心机女在网上说灰姑娘坏话,霸总护妻心切,秒变键盘侠把心机女怼到哑口无言|狐狸的夏天🍨 撒糖LIVESweetLIVE🍨
🦊霸总发现心机女抄袭灰姑娘的证据,当众揭穿她的真面目把她开除!|狐狸的夏天 The Fox's Summer🍨撒糖LIVESweetLIVE🍨
灰姑娘策划火遍全网,心机女故意留言污蔑她,霸总隔网护妻和她互怼!🦊狐狸的夏天#The Fox's Summer
The scheming girl humiliates Cinderella, but the CEO declares his sovereignty:\
CEO misunderstood Cinderella,she left in tears,CEO finally knew he is wrong|42
【2025搶先看】心機女怒罵灰姑娘,霸總霸氣護妻!#偷偷藏不住 #赵露思#陈哲远 #chinesedrama #movie #甜宠
Happy ending! Cinderella finally returned,CEO kissed her in public, happily ever after
⭐心機女送花給霸總,灰姑娘吃醋轉身就走,霸總急壞了,推開心機女追著哄!【舍不得星星 You Are My Lover Friend】
CEO misunderstood Cinderella as a gold digger, and she left him in tears
霸總終於發現了心機女對灰姑娘做了什麼,暴怒開除心機女,為灰姑娘出頭【狐狸的夏天 The Fox's Summer 】
Cinderella was scolded to tears and drank with handsome men,CEO was jealous
CEO saved a little girl and got a candy,he finally realized he fall in love with Cinderella|39
Cinderella is ill, CEO finally stops hiding love and takes care of her for 2 nights
霸总为保护灰姑娘,在心机女面前故意说她坏话,却气得灰姑娘离家出走,霸总悔不当初|狐狸的夏天🍨 撒糖LIVESweetLIVE🍨
Sally girl caused trouble to the company, but CEO scolded Cinderella
CEO misunderstood Cinderella as a plagiarist and trampled on her dignity in public
🦊心机女剽窃灰姑娘的创意去霸总公司面试,被霸总当场拆穿!|狐狸的夏天 The Fox's Summer🍨撒糖LIVESweetLIVE🍨
灰姑娘再次被心机女陷害,被女明星当众扇巴掌,霸总及时赶到护妻! 🦊狐狸的夏天#The Fox's Summer
Cinderella is bullied because she is \
霸总当众揭穿心机女阴谋,拿出证据证明灰姑娘清白,霸气护妻让女明星跟她道歉! 🦊狐狸的夏天#The Fox's Summer
恶毒董事想逼灰姑娘离开霸总,却被灰姑娘怼到哑口无言,给我1000万我也不会离开他!|狐狸的夏天🍨 撒糖LIVESweetLIVE🍨
Cinderella is framed,CEO domineering posts evidence to scold the star and sly girl
CEO misunderstood Cinderella for plagiarism and scolded her in public |05
灰姑娘竟然被刻薄的心机女当面羞辱,霸总直接不留情面当面回怼霸气护妻!|狐狸的夏天🍨 撒糖LIVESweetLIVE🍨
霸总闹脾气要离家出走,口不择言惹怒小娇妻,霸总告诉她生气原因,她慌了!🦊#狐狸的夏天The Fox's Summer