Duration: (1:3:7) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-22T20:34:18+00:00
電影|百歲將軍站立不能但用兵如神!白衣少年輕功卓絕,戰場上來去自如叛徒想追也追不上⚔️ #武侠 | #KungFu #大唐游侠传
【金庸巔峰之作】老劍客臨死前傳小子通天神功,助他逆天改命,從此世上少了一個多情劍客多了一個瘋和尚!💥#kungfu #武俠 #連城訣
【超好看抗日剧】变种神兵 01 | 目睹日军血洗十三村,无痛感的地下党化身战斗机器血战到底
The son of a prince is born with supernatural power. One person can resist thousands of armies.
100 enemy soldiers tried to sneak up on him, not realizing he was a kung Fu master!
The child who survived the war turned out to be a military genius? !
【动作喜剧】Full movie《东北风云》完整版:山炮兄弟爆笑英雄成长路
The battle of two armies! They don't realize that this man can take on thousands of troops!
The fiercest battle ever! 6 folk kung fu masters defeat powerful enemies.
[War Story] \
The battle of two armies! They used an ancient secret weapon to annihilate the whole country.
《#许世友出拳》保卫胶东刻不容缓! 生动案例展现战争时期的军民鱼水情(赵福余 / 兰岚 / 张棪琰)
少林功夫獨步天下,13個武僧就能抵擋住千軍萬馬 #元彪#林志穎 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu
The Japanese guy challenged the Chinese Kung Fu old man. This is far beyond his ability.
Hands up2!Track Aduowan | ChineseWarTheater |Comedy
武侠电影 |廢柴小子竟然是練武奇才,100年來無人練成的絕世神功,他一次就學會,祖先都自愧不如!#辛芷蕾#吴磊 #斗破苍穹
2024必看功夫电影,岳飞重新带领大军想要一雪前耻,废物皇帝竟然偷偷炮轰黄河以绝后路!(黄晓明,林心如,吴秀波领衔主演)#最新中國電視劇 #中國功夫 #熱播電視劇 #武侠 #黄晓明 #林心如
【MOVIE】80歲老師傅竟是隱世高手,僅用壹只手就打趴日本第壹武士!#chinesedrama #功夫 #kungfu #戰爭 -歡迎訂閱
《#将军的选择》炮火连天的山东战场上 临河战区司令为走革命道路面临两难抉择!(程枫 / 蒋冰 / 沈倾)【电视电影 Movie Series】
The boy faked his death to lure the Japanese troops forward, and killed the leader in seconds.