Duration: (8:28) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-09T17:38:33+00:00
灰姑娘被追捕跳井,霸道王爷把她搂进怀里,她撒谎再次激怒王爷!❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】
Cinderella became angry, the prince hugged her and confessed: You can only be mine!
The rival saved Cinderella, the prince was jealous and angry, misunderstood her!
王爷把灰姑娘困在床上,听她说要去找情敌,吃醋把她困在怀里!❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】
霸道王爷吃醋嘴硬,蠢萌灰姑娘对王爷羞答答示爱,王爷被撩拨刺激到,再次上演搂腰杀。❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】
灰姑娘被罚跪,霸道王爷心疼护妻,却被她的吐槽气走,侍卫都看不下去了!❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】
两位王爷太在乎灰姑娘,太后下旨要处理她,王爷霸气护妻:我的女人谁敢动!❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】
The queen wanted to kill Cinderella, the two princes rushed to intercede for her!
灰姑娘遇險,王爺甚至來不及思考,身體本能的撲上去替她擋下致命一刀!❤️愛你、護你是我唯一的本能 #中國電視劇 #任嘉倫 #甜寵 #景甜
【Full Moive】✨親姊姊竟將灰姑娘下獄鞭打,王子震怒當眾廢後帶她離開#中国电视剧#凤归四时歌
The little girl's wife was whipped by her sister, and the prince hurried a hero to save the beauty
心机女作弊吸引王爷注意,却被灰姑娘当众抢风头!❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】
The prince pretended to have amnesia, and the lady lied to him that she was his mother
🦚灰姑娘吃醋不顾身孕赌气攀高,幸得王爷及时赶到 | 凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan#许雅婷 #陈靖可
🦚恶姐姐下毒嫁祸灰姑娘押入大牢,王爷为救她暴露身份 | 凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan#许雅婷 #陈靖可
🦚王爷绝食反抗,灰姑娘大口吃食成功逗乐王爷,让他乖乖吃饭 | 凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan#许雅婷 #陈靖可
【燃起斗志】灰姑娘接连被陷害,终于忍无可忍了,费尽心思拉拢皇上身边人,背后却一个人伤心流泪! EP08
灰姑娘撒娇讨好霸道王爷,偷偷拿走他的令牌,王爷装睡给她机会,太宠了吧!❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】
王爷逼问灰姑娘跟亲王的关系,灰姑娘不承认还撒谎,让王爷吃醋发火!❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】
灰姑娘委屈闹脾气,霸道王爷把她抱进怀里:做我的女人!❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】
灰姑娘哄王爷开心,腿麻撒娇被霸道王爷抱走,亲密互动看的亲王醋意大发。❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】
霸道王爷吃醋闹脾气,故意刁难小娇妻,看着灰姑娘撒娇哄他偷乐!❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】
灰姑娘被鞭打逼供,王爷霸气护妻抱回房,当众怒怼心机王妃!❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】
🦚灰姑娘怀着身孕被亲姐姐囚禁鞭打,王爷直接废后带走她 | 凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan#许雅婷 #陈靖可
霸道王爷吃醋献殷勤,陪灰姑娘野外烧烤,打情骂俏闹把她压在树上!❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】
The prince drowning because of Cinderella, she saved him with a first kiss!
王爷忤逆太后当众护妻,情敌给灰姑娘送药,王爷吃醋警告:她是我的人!❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】
灰姑娘被刺客挟持,王爷为救她被踹下悬崖,昏迷中还被她占便宜!❣️【凤归四时歌 The Legend of Jinyan】