Duration: (3:30:55) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-08T08:34:12+00:00
Grandma made traditional rice cakes | Guangxi Grandma
New Year's Eve dinner: how people celebrate in rural China|Guangxi Grandma
New ways to eat and preserve radish|Guangxi Grandma
Grandma's cooking super hot summer
Grandma uses 100 kilograms of cassava to make various delicacies
Using 150 catties of sweet potatoes to make sweet potato flour|Guangxi Grandma
Grandma uses thorny ingredients to make Chinese cakes
Pick 200 kilograms of oranges to make Chinese food and sell
Grandma uses 300 kilograms of winter melon to make winter melon candy for her neighbors
Grandma shares 4 ways to cook ginger | Guangxi Grandma
鄉村特色木鱉果,既是水果又是“藥”,也是做糍粑的好材料Cooking delicacies with country-specific wood turtle fruits|玉林阿婆
Guangxi Grandma's Rural Life and Traditional Food ( Video Collection 四 )广西奶奶的农村生活和传统美食(视频合集四)
吃刨猪汤哟!转眼认识两个小朋友两年多了,这学期妹妹得两张奖状,哥哥越来越懂事….从心里替他们感到高兴#新农人计划2024 #乡村生活家 #乡村守护人 #微光点亮乡村
孫女去學校,阿婆給她做原汁原味的白菜肉捲,一頓八個都不夠吃Grandma making traditional home cooking and sharing with family|美食 玉林阿婆
愛吃豬蹄要收藏,阿婆教你一個豬腳的家常菜做法|Grandma teaches you a home-cooked recipe of pig's feet|Chinese 广西 美食 |玉林阿婆
Food made with eggs | 城裡曾孫回家,廣西玉林阿婆給曾孫做了頓“雞蛋盛宴”,掏空了3窩雞蛋,廣西農村生活
傳統豆腐怎麼做? 10斤豆出30斤豆腐,方法簡單,你也能做|Guangxi grandma uses traditional methods to make tofu |广西 美食| 玉林阿婆
黑玉米好吃,還是白玉米好吃?產量不高,味道卻很不錯 Grandma from Guangxi, using black corn to make Chinese food
工地兒孫回家,阿婆買20斤豬肉燜扣肉,全家人一口一大塊 | 广西 玉林阿婆 美食
紅薯的一生,從夏天到冬天,黃皮和紅皮紅薯,你更喜歡哪種?| China Guangxi grandma, using sweet potatoes to make food
芝麻怎麼做最好吃?只需4種食材,簡單做法,香甜脆口 。台灣 馬來西亞 新加坡的朋友,有沒有見過呢?| 广西 美食| 玉林阿婆
路邊不要錢的菠蘿,阿婆兩個籃子裝不完,剛上桌就被鄰居誇美味Grandma uses wild pineapple to make traditional Chinese food|广西 美食|玉林阿婆
空心菜(蕹菜)怎麼做最好吃?阿婆教你3種做法 簡單美味 送粥好菜Grandma made 3 different delicacies with water spinach | 广西 玉林阿婆 美食
Enjoy Beautiful nature fruit garden in China #nature nature#shorts #fruit #chinagarden
荔枝還能這樣吃?滿園荔枝吃不完,阿婆摘回給曾孫做美食|The lychees that can't be eaten are used by grandma for cooking|广西 |玉林阿婆
對比山珍海味, 這種“拐婁飯”,是很多人的回憶,可惜已快被遺忘Guangxi, China Traditional Food | 广西 玉林阿婆 美食
Son catches 20 wild crabs and cooks them for his mother |Guangxi Grandma
半人高的鑽地薯,種植一年有10斤,阿婆挖回給孫子做薯包肉Grandma uses super large sweet potatoes to make traditional Chinese food
Grandma discovers amazing mushrooms|山上不要錢的雞樅菌,阿婆早起連撿好幾窩,2小時得滿滿一籃|玉林阿婆
50-year-old olives, sold out in 2 hours|Guangxi Grandma
番茄醬不用出去買了,25斤番茄3斤糖出8斤醬,比買的還好吃|Grandma's homemade ketchup and gourmet food|广西 美食| 玉林阿婆
Grandma shows 3 ways to make kohlrabi|鄉村傳統小鹹菜,1種苤藍3種吃法,每一口都是嘎嗆脆|Chinese Food 广西 美食| 玉林阿婆
Cherry radish 樱桃萝卜这样泡,清脆爽口,开胃又下饭,做法简单不易坏|Chinese Food 广西 美食| 玉林阿婆