Duration: (11:21) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-20T23:18:20+00:00
《爱情保卫战》夫妻30多年婚姻 丈夫整日喝酒耍酒疯 妻子受不了要分居!【导师:涂磊 左岩 莎娜 俞伯鸿】
家暴深渊!大男子主义丈夫为亲戚家暴妻子,妻子被逼至抑郁后求自由,导师犀利揭露真相!|《爱情保卫战》20241211 整片
Wife went out to play mahjong on New Year's Eve,her husband cut off his source of income in anger.
[FULL]爱情保卫战:丈夫爱喝酒惹怒妻子 妻回娘家冷战近五年 20171226【官方超清1080P】涂磊
愛情保衛戰 20250219:女友太霸道、控製欲強,女孩總因一點小事吵架,男孩直呼:太疲憊
愛情保衛戰 20240910:妻子懷疑丈夫對婚姻不忠,兩人互相指責現場「硝煙彌漫」
Girl bullied an honest man's family, took a 200,000 yuan betrothal gift then went on a blind date.
A rich woman organizes a bureau to introduce a job to her boyfriend. Who knows...
All your hard-earned money goes into the pockets of your bitter enemies! Host:I’m angry too
The real wife complains about her husband: He has hired too many mistresses for me!
The whole family is supported by the wife, and all the tuition money was squandered by the husband!
丈夫强行和妻子发生关系 妻子讲述暴行泣不成声《爱情保卫战》整片 | 生孩子/重男轻女/教育
Mother-in-law saw the wife carefully soaking her husband's feet and immediately scolded him
妻子当场崩溃 丈夫无比开心 赵川痛批:嫁给他 你真是瞎了眼了!《爱情保卫战》整片
买一箱泡面被公公骂乱花钱 纵容儿子刁难儿媳的婆家好可怕!《爱情保卫战》20241022
The sick husband went out to socialize to earn money,but his ignorant wife's action drove him crazy!
愛情保衛戰 20241030:中年夫妻婚姻變博弈,婆媳矛盾積怨太深贍養成最大問題
爱情保卫战 喝酒引发矛盾,丈夫在妻子与喝酒之间选择了后者
【FULL】 忍了 37 年!大妈终因老公这坏毛病决然提离婚! |《爱情保卫战》
《爱情保卫战》20240926 结婚13年 孝子老公遭老婆一家嫌弃敢怒不敢言!
A wife is hopeless addicted to investing, her weak husband finally stands up! | BattleofLove FULL
Jealous Wife Brawls in KTV, Drunk Husband Races Train? Hilarious! | BattleofLove FULL
Mama's boy hid 8 years! Wife got rob by MIL for 10k?! Mentor: Theft! | Love Defenders20241226Full
《爱情保卫战》20240116 无情无耻!小三怀孕 渣男:你生下来我媳妇伺候你月子
30多年夫妻因为钱而闹矛盾 妻子控诉丈夫好面子脾气暴 《爱情保卫战》整片
闪婚半年将成闪离?!丈夫只当甩手掌柜,妻子忍无可忍! |《爱情保卫战》整片