Duration: (4:37) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-12T08:52:20+00:00
《關於短肢領航鯨的24個小時》Short-legged pilot whale
《關於瓜頭鯨的24個小時》Melon-headed whale
宜蘭龜山島海域「潛水艇」出沒? 原來這種龐然大物現蹤(凱鯨號賞鯨船提供)
直击救援现场! 浙江台州12头领航鲸搁浅 幸存9条均已送往寄养
Amazing barnacles on Beached Whale
虎鯨來了!台灣外海也能看到野生虎鯨 史上最幸運的賞鯨團 Observations of Orcinus Orca in Taiwan #orca #賞鯨
Foreign Teacher Lands in Rural America: ‘I Was Surprised’ | VOA Connect
宜蘭賞鯨船罕見遇大批鯨魚 花蓮海上「鯨」奇遊客超興奮-民視新聞
超鯨喜!2雄性抹香鯨 現蹤龜山島外海
Guy climbs on whale surrounded by sharks
奇景! 鯨魚母子遭5雄鯨包圍 海豚英勇相救
搶編潛艦國造後續鑑特別預算3千億? 國防部澄清|十點不一樣20230206 @TVBSNEWS01
Pilot Whales Stranded in Indonesia
澳洲再發現200頭領航鯨擱淺 多已死亡 20200923 公視晚間新聞
15 pilot whales dead in Georgia's 2nd mass stranding since July
12头鲸鱼在浙江台州头门港搁浅/12 whales stranded in Toumen Port, Taizhou, Zhejiang
Dozens of stranded pilot whales die in New Zealand
ইন্দোনেশিয়ার সৈকতে পাইলট তিমির মৃত্যুর মিছিল || Pilot whales Die in indonesia ||