Duration: (2:42) ?Subscribe5835 2025-03-01T02:02:29+00:00
15. Empathic Building, The Future of Office Work with Tomi Teikko
Tomi Teikko - Puhtausalan seminaari 28.1.2021
How can a Digital Twin create better Employee Experiences
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Future Leadership Needs Empathic Applications
Tomi Teikko - Empatia työelämässä ja johtamisessa
Tomi Teikko talking about Intelligent Building
Smart City 2017 / Tomi Teikko, Laura Ansaharju, Taneli Tikka
Webinar#1 Empathic neighborhoods
منتزه الرميلات بطنجة كما لم تراه من قبل
Building a Client's $3,500 AI Chatbot LIVE
Smart buildings - the future of building technology
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Business Summit 2011 - Taneli Tikka
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Why digital twins will be the backbone of industry in the future
Special Report: Digital Twin Cities
Tomi Teikko - Tekoäly \u0026 Tulevaisuuden asiakaspalvelu
Empathic Building Short - The Importance of Connection
Kiinteistöjen IoT, Tomi Teikko, Director of Intelligent building, Tieto Oyj
Empathic Building Short - Who loves booking meeting rooms?
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When Buildings Become Empathic
The office revolution: Work is not a place
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