Duration: (4:47) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-11T23:50:05+00:00
神君抱著灰姑娘去看流星,卻忘了灰姑娘是凡人受不住寒冷,人都凍住了,神君一臉愧疚!| 星落凝成糖 The Starry Love 陈星旭/李兰迪
神君和灰姑娘甜蜜約會,誰知老神仙們都在偷看還撒花,神君害羞抱著灰姑娘跑了!| 星落凝成糖 The Starry Love 陈星旭/李兰迪
神君假裝失憶,卻又控制不住對灰姑娘的愛意,背著下屬和灰姑娘親熱! | 星落凝成糖 The Starry Love 陈星旭/李兰迪
Cinderella switched places with her sister, and Cinderella told the god that she was married wrong
夜夜纏綿!灰姑娘爬床和神君親熱,醒來還纏著神君,神君:折騰了一晚上還不夠?😍 | 星落凝成糖 The Starry Love 陈星旭/李兰迪
神君受重傷即將隕落,灰姑娘終於意識到她對神君的愛,抱著他深情告白喚醒了神君的意識! | 星落凝成糖 The Starry Love 陈星旭/李兰迪
Cinderella married her sister's groom,the god of the heavens,but found that the god was her true son
灰姑娘半夜爬進神君被窩暖床,折騰了一晚,早上還貼身伺候神君穿衣,神君又害羞又享受!| 星落凝成糖 The Starry Love 陈星旭/李兰迪
心機女下套想要灰姑娘出糗,不料她真實美貌驚艷眾人,神君都被迷倒了,心機女氣壞了!| 星落凝成糖 The Starry Love 陈星旭/李兰迪
Xuanshang Shenjun returns! The first time to see if Ye Tan was injured! Then revenge for his wife!
Ye Tan took Shenjun to visit her room and talked about her childhood,Shenjun hugged her distressedly
Ye Tan's real beauty amazed everyone, Youqin was fascinated, and the scheming girl was so angry
心機女當眾邀請神君合奏挑釁夜曇,但是神君心裏只有夜曇,根本不理她【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
emperor jealously held Ye Tan in his arms when she ran out with not properly dressed.
Youqin‘s temperament has changed totally because of Yetan.His disciples is shocked.
The formerly foolish husband suddenly learned to flirt, making the princess feel shy and embarrassed
神君為了和夜曇呆在一起,居然化身夜曇的老師,和她當眾調情,心機女嫉妒地咬牙切齒【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
【搶先看】霸道仙君為了夜曇和整個天界為敵,身受重傷也要帶她離開,夜曇終於明白他有多愛她【星落凝成糖 The Starry Love】
灰姑娘修煉仙術卻鬧笑話,不僅把自己臉弄髒了還把神君弄成了爆炸頭,神君都要氣壞了! | 星落凝成糖 The Starry Love 陈星旭/李兰迪
超前點播:神君戰死在灰姑娘眼前,灰姑娘痛失所愛,獨自下凡轉世千年只為找回神君的魂魄! | 星落凝成糖 The Starry Love 陈星旭/李兰迪
Cinderella was mocked by the princess,but unexpectedly the Cinderella changed out a phoenix
灰姑娘自幼就備受欺負,神君心疼給她送上一顆星星,還抱著她試圖讓她忘記痛苦!| 星落凝成糖 The Starry Love 陈星旭/李兰迪
搶先看:灰姑娘在神君廟前癡情守護一千年,終於等到了神君的輪迴,她激動地哭了! | 星落凝成糖 The Starry Love 陈星旭/李兰迪
Cinderella went to the demon clan to kidnap the god, but unexpectedly met the god himself
Ye Tan learned emperor's obsession was her. She flirted with him proudly, he blushed.
Cinderella wanted to see Shenjun's memory, but she didn't expect Shenjun to think about Cinderella
灰姑娘竟然是帝君的命定天妃!倆人共渡姻緣橋,灰姑娘嚇得緊緊抱住帝君! | 星落凝成糖 The Starry Love 陈星旭/李兰迪
灰姑娘有危险,神君紧紧抱着她不放保护她,灰姑娘却担心神君会死立马选择了自爆!| 星落凝成糖 The Starry Love 陈星旭/李兰迪