Duration: (45) ?Subscribe5835 2025-03-01T02:22:08+00:00
Torchwood | Meet Captain Jack Harkness | BritBox
Doctor Who Clip: The Doctor finds out Jack's working for Torchwood.
Doctor Who - \
Doctor Who - Army of Ghosts - The Doctor meets Torchwood
I'm from the future - Captain Jack Harkness (Torchwood)
Lois and Gwen Meet | Day Two | Torchwood: Children Of Earth
Captain Jack Joins Torchwood in the 1800s | Fragments | Torchwood
The Doctor and Martha meet Torchwood
captain jack harkness s13 scenepack (doctor who) [1080p]
The Doctor Reunites with Wilf | Wild Blue Yonder | Doctor Who
Doctor Who - Bad Wolf - Captain Jack gets a makeover
Doctor Who delted Scene - 5.5
Doctor Who: The Complete Story of 'Captain Jack Harkness'
Owen Shoots Jack! | Torchwood | BBC Studios
Doctor Who - The Stolen Earth - Davros is revealed
Captain Jack meets someone new (Alonso)
Martha Jones Joins Torchwood! | Reset | Torchwood
Jack And The Doctor Reunite | Utopia | Doctor Who
Torchwood, Sarah Jane, Martha and Harriet Jones call the Doctor | The Stolen Earth | Doctor Who
Gwen and Jack Reveal Their Truths | Immortal Sins | Torchwood: Miracle Day
Gwen's speech about the Doctor (Torchwood/Doctor Who)
Torchwood :series 2 - The Captain's meet
Torchwood - 'Meet Captain Jack' BBCA Trailer
The Doctor Arrives in Cardiff | End of Days | Torchwood
11th Doctor Meets Torchwood