Duration: (9:59) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-09T05:45:27+00:00
十分探馆·东海贝雕艺术博物馆 探贝雕螺钿技艺 借传统工艺出海 | 第艺流「文化十分」20230116
Shell Art – Mother of Pearl 贝壳上的艺术——螺钿
Theodore Alexander 螺钿镶嵌
『義大利手工貝雕』Cameo Italiano|手工貝雕製作過程|近距離看貝雕過程
[Eng Sub]中国最精美的砖雕古墓,堪称地下四合院,墓主人竟然可以躺着看戏|The most exquisite brick carved tomb in China
Lucky Ruyi: Ruyi Exhibition from the Collection of the Palace Museum | Museum of China
Process of Making Jewelry Box from Seashells. Korean Shellwork Master
[上手] 难得一见的物品 - 视频预展 - 亚洲艺术 - Rob Michiels Auctions16\u002617, Oct 2024
《清明上河圖》超高清宽屏全景動畫,建議投影到大螢幕,每一個細節都清晰可見--The animation of Along the River During the Qingming Festival.
Process of Making Beautiful Decoration with Seashells. Korean Mother-of-pearl Factory
從比利時皇室御用包到國寶級手工精品:探討 Delvaux 的傳奇歷史、工匠精神與奢華收藏魅力
木家具上的炫彩鑲貝 幾近失傳「螺鈿」精工
#116 高岡漆器 螺鈿師 武蔵川 剛嗣 | 明日への扉 by アットホーム
How to cut the mother of pearl easily into small pieces with different shapes?
[ENG] 中国传统工艺 | 螺钿:中国古代御用工艺,巧夺天工的东方美学。【中国非遗文化】丨 欢娱影视
[拍卖] 前所未见 - 顶级藏家 - 藏品揭秘 - Rob Michiels Auctions, 亚洲艺术拍卖, 2023年6月28日至30日, 比利时, 布鲁日
The way to eat people is to cut and steam them! A documentary about the Yinxu Museum takes you
透过博物馆网红的表象,回归本质 The essence behind the appearance of museum | Wei Shi 石玮 | TEDxSanyiRoad
螺鈿孔雀盒 ,極致的東方美學 Mother-of-pearl peacock box,The ultimate Oriental aesthetic
見證大溪木藝興衰史 螺鈿職人鄧福志勇敢轉型
Treasures in Shanghai Museum- The Isle Fanghu in Miniature 小方壶石
Timeless Treasures: Edo Artifacts at ROM x Chengdu Museum, Museum of China