Duration: (13) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-10T03:41:41+00:00
儲良龍眼大量成熟了,脆甜好吃,太美味了 Chuliang longan has matured in large quantities, crunchy and delicious
龍眼儲良糖度評測,很熟了,脆甜爽口,好吃Longan Chuliang sugar content evaluation, very cooked, crisp, sweet , refreshing
龍眼儲良成熟了,早上採摘並打包,滿滿的大豐收 Longan Chuliang is mature, picked and packed in the morning, Harvest
儲良龍眼快成熟了,記得及時殺菌,以防霜疫黴病發生 Chuliang longan is about to mature, remember to sterilize it in time
儲良龍眼10月中旬成熟,果肉又脆又甜,果12g左右,口感爽脆,幹苞好吃Chuliang longan matures in mid-October, the flesh is crisp, sweet
龍眼儲良成熟了,價格怎麼樣呢?甜不甜呢? Longan Chuliang is mature, what about the price? Is it sweet?
龍眼石硤、儲良價格怎麼樣呢?結果很多,大豐收,口感脆甜清爽 What about the prices of Longan Shikip and Chuliang? Lots of results
The life of Longan|Planting growing and harvesting Longan fruit in modern agriculture
“Stingy” 1mm-thin flatbread in Jiangsu, 5 yuan for a combo, 600 orders sold out every morning
夏天果樹嫁接的操作過程,比如荔枝龍眼等果樹,這種嫁接方法簡單易學,成活率還不錯 The operation process of fruit tree grafting in summer
Chinese Style Hot Pot Roasted Flat Bread From Jingzhou (Guokui) - Taiwanese Street Food
很多人說沒吃過老樹龍眼儲良,脆甜肉厚,你喜歡嗎?eaten the old tree longan Chuliang, which is crispy, sweet and meaty#shorts
龍眼新品種“寶翠”vs儲良龍眼的評測,果大脆甜多汁,值得嘗試種植The evaluation of the new longan variety \
晚熟龍眼新品種“玖龍”脆甜好吃,留樹100天?可到9月底?The new late-maturing longan variety \
8個龍眼新品種在7月底成熟,到時候廣東、廣西、福建專家過來現場品嚐評測龍眼的口感 8 new varieties of longan to mature at the end of July
正季龍眼的措施,施氯酸鉀,儲良龍眼1斤左右,石硤多一點 Apply potassium chlorate to about 1 catty for off-season longan
3個龍眼新品種,成熟期在9-10月,果肉晶瑩剔透,脆甜幹苞的 3 new varieties of longan, mature in September-October, crystal clear
龍眼新品種介紹,未審定的09-5-17品種,個大皮厚肉多,清甜爽脆Introduction of new varieties of longan, thick skin and rich flesh
好奇怪的物价 广东储良龙眼大涨价了
山西忻州原平市,特色美食,手工大锅盔, 红糖甜蜜的味道真是足