Duration: (56) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-12T19:59:27+00:00
Gelbe Giftwolke: Tote und Verletzte bei Chlorgasunglück in Jordanien
Krieg - Gelbe Giftwolke - Massensterben
Chlorine Gas equals the Danger!
Chlorine gas explosion at Jordan’s Aqaba port kills at least 12, injures over 250
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Footage: Gas cylinders explode at facility in east China
A portal to hell at an aluminum plant that swallowed up the entire shop in a matter of seconds.
Beirut port explosion - Escaping death by mere seconds
Das schwerste Flugzeugunglück in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik vor 20 Jahren
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Gas Tank Explodes And Spins Out of Control When Technician Accidentally Knocks it Over - 1372305
Trooper's video shows scene from massive pileup on the Ohio Turnpike that killed four
Herborn vor 30 Jahren - Tanklaster rast in die Innenstadt und explodiert
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At least ten are killed and 250 injured as crane drops a tank filled with TOXIC GAS onto a container
Wintergarten in Vollbrand: Flammen schlugen aus einem Mehrparteienwohnhaus in Wels-Neustadt
Gas Unfall
Giftige Gaswolke tötet mindestens zwölf Menschen bei Unfall in Jordanien
Ein Selfie und eine Giftwolke - Euronews am Abend 29.09.
At least 13 killed by chlorine explosion in Jordanian port
Chlorine gas engulfs Jordan’s Aqaba Port; kills at least a dozen, injures 250