Duration: (4:13) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-15T18:45:53+00:00
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Summons and complaint from the shopkeeper's daughter-in-law demanding her dowry.
Mahdi's search ended: he hugged his mother again🏡♥️🥰
The blood sugar drops immediately! This recipe is a real treasure!
Installing plastic on the porch roof and cementing it to prevent rain from entering the porch
Ayas and Fatima were threatened by their father that Fatima should not stay Ayas house(Kohrig family
Once you know this secret, you'll never throw away a broken iron again!
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Conflict between Nemat and Fatima and negotiations to satisfy Hojjat after psychological counseling
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Kā sagatavot un lietot pirtsslotas. Padomi kā sagatavot pirts slotas.