Duration: (32) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-12T08:58:15+00:00
Chongqing hot pot藏在梯坎下的重庆老火锅,多年老店Old shop,很多好吃又好看的菜品
Two brush this Merlin residents downstairs alley Chongqing old hot pot, 99 quack good dazzle!!
重庆暴吃 6 天,只吃 10 年老店,最好吃的竟然不是火锅!【重庆诱惑vlog】
Pepper Chicken and Farmhouse Delicacy in Chongqing重庆铁山坪花椒鸡,青花椒里找鸡块,咸香干烧鱼,阿星吃井水豆花
中國重慶八一路好吃街,美食打卡地,解放碑步行街、特色美食|city walk|中國自由行|China|小吃|街頭小吃|food|vlog|美食|大陸
【重庆夜生活滋味】热辣的重庆妹子!街头扁担凉面,渝东北老味道,围观烈火牛肉 |四川美食,重庆夜市小吃【阿林去赶集】
重庆社区老火锅,现场熬制底料,锅底:1斤料5斤牛油3斤水,辣翻天! #麦总去哪吃
Chef Wang's food tour: Chongqing Spicy Hotpot, neighbourhood friendly local delicacy【重庆三拖一火锅】
Special snack morning tea in Yangzhou, Jiangsu江苏扬州吃早茶,蟹黄汤包鲜美多汁,烫干丝爽口,阿星喝绿杨春茶
Street Night Snack Spicy Barbecue in Chongqing重庆夜宵坝坝烧烤,泡菜苕皮豆干,麻辣拌素菜,阿星吃红油土豆粉
Market traditional street food in Chongqing重庆蔡家赶集小吃,1元三角糕,现炒麻辣肥肠,阿星吃老麻抄手
Street Food Community Old Hot Pot in Chongqing重庆社区老火锅,90年代水火锅,锅底麻辣鲜香,阿星逛火锅食材市场
在重庆,甜品做得最好的都是火锅店!麻辣的火锅配上冰冰凉凉的甜品,太安逸了! #重庆 #chongqing #旅游 #重庆火锅#chinafood #chongqingfood #food #甜品
Sister Tian and her friends went to Xiushan, Chongqing to eat hot pot甜姐和朋友到重庆秀山吃火锅#food#火锅
Two brushes of this old Chongqing hot pot in the alley underneath the Meilin residential building.
果然!重庆火锅还得是这种老巷子居民楼里的 #重庆美食 #重庆旅游 #笔记灵感 #路边摊 #chinastreetfood #streetfood #shorts
Two brush the old Chongqing hot pot in the alley downstairs of the Merlin residents #shorts
魁星楼必吃的便宜宝藏火锅来了!我终于排队吃到了! #魁星楼卷火锅 #重庆社区老火锅 #重庆旅游攻略
Come to eat Merlin this resident downstairs Chongqing old hot pot!! Delicious is not expensive
Chongqing 18 ladder old hot pot重庆十八梯老火锅,以前这里就是重庆很老的街区,环境很有氛围
来重庆十八梯边看夜景边吃火锅吧 #china #chongqing #delicious #food #chinesefood #foodie #eating #yummy #小吃
重庆火锅美食 重庆火锅旅行 重庆长江大桥 山城步道 重庆洪崖洞 火锅美食旅行 CHONGQING HOTPOT
Little Three Gorges Hotpot Food in Wushan, Chongqing重庆巫山美食,山顶老火锅,红油大桥鸡,阿星坐船游小三峡
就在重庆解放碑的十八梯,便宜又好吃的老火锅 #china #chongqing #delicious #food #foodie #chinese #chinesefood
十八梯逛累了,旁边就可以吃到居民楼火锅,真的巴适!!! #解放碑渝富贵 #重庆社区老火锅 #重庆旅游攻略