Duration: (18) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-12T16:07:21+00:00
部分你没听过的原声~爆发力超強!#任嘉伦#好剧推荐 #我的观影报告#热门#一起追剧 #任嘉伦
we love allenren renjialun 任嘉伦 #chinesedrama #任嘉倫 #allenren #allenrenjialun
😍The aloof Lord has kissed his wife! I’m always thinking about it when we’re talking about business🤭
The girl vomited blood and fainted, and the prince realized that she had been abused in the palace!
ENGSUB【Crane In The Blood】01 | Ren Jialun, Li Qin, Kan Qingzi💖Love C-Drama
【2025开年大剧】红颜策 01|卑微宫女杨幂受尽凌辱,为了上位趁着摄政王醉酒,下了整整三大包催情散!一跃为上逆袭高位。#杨幂 #肖战
The CEO,hiding his identity to work at the company,falls in love at first sight with a junior clerk.
Movie 🔥灰姑娘傷心不已,帶著4歲兒子離開,霸道太子瞬間後悔千里追妻!#中國電視劇 #古裝劇 #任嘉倫 #景甜
[MultiSub]陈哲远梁洁简直天选抽象圣体!第一次见正主自己cue“该麦了?”抱着小狗的时间简直就是一家人啊~#陈哲远 #梁洁 #白色橄榄树 #直播 #爱豆星日常
MUTLISUB【要长久爱/Stories of Youth and Love】▶EP 01|富二代隐瞒身份和同学成职场萌新,竟惹美女上司芳心暗许,三人也陷入狗血三角恋#任嘉伦#谭松韵❤️丸子甜宠剧场
Emperor learned she had only half year left live, so sad he was about to die. Do all to please her.
[Playlist] List of The Best Allen Ren 任嘉伦 ’s songs | 5.2020
AllenRen's Princess Carry!
#恰似故人归大结局# 纪云禾 ,长意拍摄现场相互调侃,笑声不断欢乐多多。两人吊起威亚来动作娴熟,结果一不小心微微“撞车”,引起笑声一片,这快乐程度小海螺隔着屏幕 #任嘉伦 #迪丽热巴
任嘉伦出演的20部电视剧全解析 他是普男? Full analysis of 20 dramas starring Ren Jialun
SPECIAL:任嘉伦\u0026李沁千年寻爱🌟跨越时空,为爱而来❤️ | 请君 Thousand Years For You | 任嘉伦 李沁 | ✦ 爱奇艺东方奇幻 ✦
We love Allen Ren Jialun #chinesedrama #任嘉倫 #allenren #allenrenjialun
Ren Jialun's drama is addictive! After watching it, I can't help but want to rewatch it. What is
自制配音剧《风荷举 》第一集「任嘉伦 赵露思 吴磊」
任嘉伦微博 15 年,见证成长。嗨放派中趣事连连,洗脸巾差点入海。娱乐热榜带你追任嘉伦。回忆满满。工作室新视频来袭,嗨放派趣事多,嗨放派欢乐不停,海滨来信超美,娱乐热榜
Renjialun with 👧 👧Cr: 超甜甜Sweet #AllenRen #RenJiaLun #任嘉伦 #任嘉伦Allen
自制配音剧《风荷举 》第二集 「任嘉伦 赵露思 吴磊」那些年我们追过的小说男神重现啦
#shorts #任嘉伦 的告白幕后💞谁被我们“冰镇奶溪”甜到了?李溪成终于追到温亦冰啦!#蓝焰突击 #BlueFlameAssault
Allen Ren is really handsome #AllenRen #JingTian #ChineseTVDrama #AllenRen