Duration: (2:34:30) ?Subscribe5835 2025-02-11T03:39:30+00:00
🔥药老回到星陨阁,萧炎成为星陨阁少阁主,重伤一年后突破斗尊 !【斗破苍穹 Battle Through the Heavens】
💥药老回到星陨阁 ,萧炎成为星陨阁少阁主,重伤一年后突破斗尊!【斗破苍穹 Battle Through the Heavens】
✨萧炎破而后立一举突破斗尊!接下来便要进入斗圣遗迹为老师寻找恢复魂力的药材!【斗破苍穹 | Battle Through the Heavens 】
✨最新剧集!萧炎晋级斗尊,进入远古斗圣遗迹!斗圣遗骸现世!!【斗破苍穹 | Battle Through the Heavens 】
🌟133最新 蕭炎突破鬥尊,和各方勢力展開激鬥!|斗破苍穹年番Battle Through the Heavens|Chinese Animation Donghua
🌟EP133 Part1蕭炎被重傷筋脈俱斷!星隕閣天外隕石與三千焱炎火為其療癒! |斗破苍穹年番Battle Through the Heavens|Chinese Animation Donghua
✨全程高能!风尊者霸气护犊!萧炎接任星陨阁少阁主之位!!【斗破苍穹 | Battle Through the Heavens 】
📍ep133-1萧炎体内阴阳玄龙丹被风尊者探查!萧炎被药老带到星陨阁修养! |斗破苍穹年番Battle Through the Heavens|Chinese Animation Donghua
🪐EP134-135 Trailer |《斗破苍穹》年番3 Battle Through the Heavens | 阅文动漫 | 官方Official【会员专享热门动画剧集抢先看】
✨远古斗圣遗迹篇超燃PV来袭!斗尊萧炎暴虐摘星老鬼,药尘重获身躯新建模曝光!!【斗破苍穹 | Battle Through the Heavens 】
EP135 Xiao Yan pocketed ten Earth Demon Puppets! MUTISUB✨Battle Through the Heavens S8
🪓ep134-135 萧炎进入远古斗圣遗迹,与摘星老鬼争抢斗圣遗骸!【斗破苍穹 | Battle Through the Heavens 】
EP17! Xiao Chen explodes with power! Successfully defeats the enemy!
🤖最新!幻灵王制造幻境操作:“洪幻境中斩杀姬青”, 幻境遇抉择考验,罗峰遇上星空巨兽【吞噬星空 Swallowed Star】
💥《长生界 》World of Immortals |EP17!| 🌊MUTI SUB | Donghua
All the powerful men surrendered to Luo Feng, and Boss Hong broke through the eighteen illusions!
💥黃泉妖聖(下):蕭炎踏入鬥聖後的第一戰有多燃,為護眾紅顏,一己之力單挑兩位鬥聖,助妖暝成為新族長,成功傳承黃泉妖聖的狠人四件套!【鬥破蒼穹】|Battle Through the Heavens
🍁最新预告!徐老祖再入仙境,力挽狂澜,拯救全天岚!【炼气十万年 One Hundred Thousand Years of Qi Training】
斗破苍穹270:星陨阁众人看到萧炎突破至斗尊都是什么反应?#斗破苍穹 #btthseason5 #btth
📧MULT SUB - Battle Through the Heavens EP133-1【上】萧炎回到星陨阁疗伤!【斗破苍穹 | Chinese animation】
🪓远古遗迹最新PV:药老复活最新建模曝光,萧炎斗尊境再战摘星老鬼!!【斗破苍穹 | Battle Through the Heavens 】
🌟ENG SUB | EP134最新预告-斗尊萧炎秒杀费天,为星陨阁找回场子!青麟再度回归,紫研惨遭错认遭毒手!| 斗破苍穹年番 | Battle Through the Heavens
ENG SUB【BTTH 】斗破苍穹 第191集:魂殿强者进攻星陨阁,萧炎斩杀摘星老鬼| Battle Through The Heavens #斗破苍穹 #斗破苍穹191 #斗破苍穹年番
🔥【鬥破蒼穹年番】遠古遺跡篇(全):蕭炎不忘師恩前往獸域尋求魂婴果,風雷閣等敵對勢力陸續登場,摘星老鬼現身,遺跡主殿寶物層出不窮誰會是最終贏家?| Battle Through the Heavens
药老被救后星陨阁有多强,5个斗尊加入!雷尊者得知差点当场气死! #萧炎#斗破苍穹
📍斗宗第一战!萧炎脚踩黄泉阁,拳打风雷阁,得到星陨阁庇护!|斗破苍穹年番Battle Through the Heavens|Chinese Animation Donghua